10 Safety Tips To Keep Your Home, Family And Belongings Safe This Holiday Season

Thieves are looking to window shop this holiday season at your expense. Safety tips and suggestions from law enforcement that urges you to protect your vehicle and property….

Thieves are looking to window shop this holiday season at your expense. Safety tips and suggestions from law enforcement that urges you to protect your vehicle and property.

  • Never leave your car running while unattended. It takes seconds to steal a car when it is left running. Always roll up the windows, turn off your car, lock the doors and take the keys with you.
  • Take valuables out of your vehicle. Leaving valuables visible in your car is an open invitation for a holiday Grinch eager to steal from you. Take your belongings or place them in the trunk before arriving at your final destination.
  • Record serial numbers. This makes it easier to recover property in the event it is found or turned in. 
  • See something, say something. If you notice suspicious activity, call 9-1-1.


  • Lock doors and windows. Secure your home, lock all doors and windows and set the alarm.
  • Mail. Ask a trusted neighbor or family member to watch your home and pick up your mail if you’re going to be away for an extended period of time.
  • Lighting. Place indoor and outdoor lights on an automatic timer.
  • Audio. Leave a radio or television on so the house looks and sounds occupied.
  • Close the blinds and curtains. Make a family game and look through the windows and doors of your home. If you can see your gifts under the tree, so can the would-be thieves.
  • Package safety. Leave a note on your door asking package carriers (UPS, Fed Ex, USPS, etc.) not to leave packages on your doorstep. Request that they leave a notice so you can pick up packages from their facility.
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Source: Austin Police Department


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