Categories: Breaking News

BREAKING UPDATED: PEC Service Interruptions Likely Due To Peak Energy Demand

UPDATE: PEC’s website under FAQ states “appropriately 20 minutes” for rolling blackouts. Corridor News reached out to PEC’s communications director and asked why Austin Energy was rolling their blackouts at 40 minutes each and San Marcos was at 2.5 hours & counting. Was informed it must be an outage. We reported it to their hotline…however it never stated there was a current outage. Not sure why ERCOT would allow one provider 40 minutes and another 2.5 hours and counting. Or it could be PEC.

JOHNSON CITY, Texas — Due to continued frigid weather across Texas, the regional electric grid is operating under emergency conditions. Utilities statewide, including Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC), have been directed to reduce demand. As a result, service interruptions will occur throughout the PEC service territory.

These service interruptions will continue as long as the regional grid operator experiences peak demand. If an interruption occurs in your area, please take proactive steps for power restoration.

All electrical appliances affected by the service disruption should be turned off, as well as circuit breakers to major appliances.

Once power is restored, members can avoid electrical overload by turning their appliances back on in 15-minute intervals. PEC will communicate to members when the emergency service interruptions end. Please go to for the latest information

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  • Keep chasing this! PEC has posted NO information about the frequency, localization, nor duration of the outages on their website. If you call to ask, the system puts you in an endless loop with no human to talk to. PEC needs to have WAY MORE TRANSPARENCY with its rate payers!!!

  • It has been about 24-hours since the first blackout and a week since the first weather predictions came down. Yet, SMEU updates page gives zero indications as to when they expect the issue to be resolved. Instead they ask customers to turn off their heat and appliances. Just how dumb are they?

    I fully admit I've jacked up my thermostats. I've got them set at 75 and a space heater working. Why? I have kids and I've discovered a building design flaw that, despite my best efforts, allowed my pipes to freeze up. What has the increased settings delivered? Thankfully, my bathroom & laundry are back in ops. But the house is at a cool 70 that is expected to drop as the night wears on into single digit temps.

    They have no excuse for being caught off guard. They should have seen the predictions. They had time to plan and act. Now they expect us to wait 30-45 minutes after power is restored before gradually turning appliances back on. How! I was timing them earlier. I don't think a single power cycle has provided more than 25 minutes. of on-time.

    I don't think I'm alone here. I believe their restrictions are self defeating. Find a way to keep power on continuously and people will naturally find a way to limit their consumption. But the power companies need to uphold their end of the bargain first.

    Otherwise we're not better than California.

  • PEC in Buda /Kyle are is not being considerate of how they rotate power. Our power has been off for 3 hour intervals since Sunday and tonight it was off from 7:10 pm to 10:10 pm . It came back on from 10:11 pm to 10:41 pm then went off again. We have conserved electricity as demanded but not fair that our opportunity for a 3 hour turn on period was not respected. Maybe Texas needs to get rid of wind mill generation of power as it is useless during these winter storms. Please be aware that small children and elderly that live in my home do not fair well in these cold indoor climates!

  • This is pathetic!! There is no consistency in the power outages. Our power has been off since 10 am yesterday! ERCOT is unreliable and incompetent! Green energy or windmills in this case is/are a joke. I hope all the politicians that took windmill money are out of power too! Horrible suffering by the elderly and young. This storm was predicted weeks in advance!

  • Spectrum News is reporting the blackouts are now impacting 4 Million people. It has doubled since yesterday. How are we going backwards if the weather has improved?

    I wonder if this constant on/off is exacerbating the demand surge they are trying to avoid. Where would we be if they had DONE NOTHING!

  • This is crap. I feel bad for those of you who have been without power for extended periods of time I have a child in my home as well and this is harsh I live in a older home with rock walls that seems to never get warm. But the rolling blackouts are crazy. Those of us who have a mostly gas powered house like mine. My stove, oven, furnace and water heater are gas I have no space heaters on no lights yet we went 8hrs yesterday without power. We had power from 5-9pm then no power all night. We had power for 3hrs total today power just came back on but I’m sure will go right back off. Alittle communication from PEC would go along way at least let us know when we will go without power and for how long I don’t feel that’s to hard to ask. You have all your customers emails so come on guys give us a heads up before our electrical appliances start having issues with this on and off crap. For all of you who are and have been without power hang in there guys hopefully they figure this crap out. Peace and love guys stay strong.

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