The deadline is approaching to place your rain barrel order. No barrels will be available for purchase during the distribution.
The City of Buda is selling rain barrels to City of Buda water customers as part of the City’s sustainability and conservation initiatives. Buda water customers can go online to and select City of Buda, TX under the Current Participating Cities header.
You may also type in to your web browser to go straight to the City of Buda page to purchase a rain barrel.
The City of Buda will provide a rebate on your City of Buda water bill when you install your rain barrel (limit one rebate per household).
City of Buda Rain Barrel Rebate Form
City of Buda Rain Barrel Rebate Agreement
- RainSaver 54 – $84.99: Available in Antique Brown, Terra Cotta, and Moss Green. Eligible for a $27 rebate on City of Buda water bill. Cost is $57.99 after rebate.
- 100 Gallon Rainwater Harvesting Tank – $164.99: Available in a variety of colors. Eligible for a $50 rebate on City of Buda water bill. Cost is $114.99 after rebate.
Orders can be placed until October 15th. Rain barrels will be distributed on Saturday, October 28th at the Buda Sportsplex located at 310 Buda Sportsplex Dr, Buda, Texas from 9am – 12pm. All orders must be placed in advance.
No barrels will be available for purchase during the distribution. Please also check with your Home Owner’s Association on the placement of rain barrels on your property, if applicable.
Using a rain barrel to collect rainwater for your landscaping is beneficial in a number of ways.
- Plants benefit from natural rainwater over tap water.
- Save money! Using rainwater reduces your water utility bill.
- Using rainwater instead of rainwater preserves water in our aquifers.
- Reduce storm water run-off.
To learn more, email
Why is the City offering a rebate on a rain barrels?
With increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, the necessity for water conservation is becoming a permanent mindset for most Central Texans. Collecting rainwater and storing it for future use during dry times is a great way to practice water conservation. One of the easiest and least expensive methods for homeowners to begin collecting rainwater is to install rain barrels at their residence. The barrels are small enough and manageable enough to provide an entry level experience into rainwater harvesting. The collected rainwater is water ideal for gravity irrigating small landscaping installations in close proximity of the rain barrel.