
Here’s What To Expect In 2018 From IT Leaders At The State Level Of Government

Not only does an IT Director in one state want to know what his counterparts in other states are planning,…

7 years ago

VA Using Simple Fix To Improve E.R. Visits

“With this model, the specialist sees the patient quickly, within a few days at most,” he said. By Tom Cramer,…

7 years ago

Census Bureau Projects U.S. And World Populations On New Year’s Day

Census Bureau Projects U.S. And World Populations On New Year’s Day   The combination of births, deaths and net international…

7 years ago

FDA Clears Stereotactic Radiotherapy System For Use In Treating Breast Cancer

“With today’s clearance, patients will have access to a treatment option that provides greater accuracy in delivering radiation therapy to…

7 years ago

EDITORIAL: Texas Should Push Back Against D.C. Net Grab

In its legal brief to the FCC, Verizon pleaded with Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, to include language preventing…

7 years ago

VA Exploring Alternative Treatments For TBI And PTSD

Veterans Affairs announced that it will use two innovative treatments to ease the everyday challenges associated with living with traumatic…

7 years ago

Research Grants For Preventing Violence And Violence-Related Injury

Violence is a significant public health problem in the United States, resulting in more than 62,000 deaths and more than…

7 years ago

Avoiding “Fake News”: A Social Media Manager’s Tips For Verifying Online News

Journalists are trained to apply that level of skepticism to every piece of information they encounter. Many readers aren't. But…

7 years ago

To Curb Border Crossings, Trump Administration Weighs Measures Targeting Families

The Trump administration is considering measures to halt a surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors coming across the…

7 years ago

Texas Schools Weathered Hurricane Harvey, Political Strife In 2017

Take a look back at our 2017 public education coverage and read about how the Texas Legislature failed to overhaul…

7 years ago

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