The mission behind the Task Force on Aging is to enhance the quality of life for Buda’s senior residents through planning, coordinating, and monitoring the availability of services and information.
The City of Buda is currently accepting applications for our Task Force on Aging. The Task Force on Aging was formed last year, following a discussion on the needs of senior citizens in Buda.
The mission behind the Task Force on Aging is to enhance the quality of life for Buda’s senior residents through planning, coordinating, and monitoring the availability of services and information. The nine member task force meets once a month. We are currently looking to fill two member spots.
If you are interested in serving on the Task Force on Aging, please fill out the application form below:
Task Force on Aging Application
The deadline to apply is Feb. 28, 2018.
For additional questions contact Public Information Officer David Marino at (512) 523-1052 or, email to
City Council will review the applications and appoint the new members during an upcoming City Council meeting.