“After deliberation, to ensure our City will also have access to Federal and State resources, as Mayor, I issued a Disaster Proclamation for the City of Buda. I did so to get ahead of things, be proactive rather than reactive,” said Mayor Haehn.
The City’s proclamation comes on the heels of Governor Abbott’s State of Disaster Proclamation and Hays County’s Disaster Declaration.
“I do not want Buda citizens to panic. What a proclamation does is allows funds and resources to be allocated to states and cities should the need arise.”
As a precautionary measure, the City of Buda recently canceled all City-sponsored events through April 12. The Buda Public Library has suspended all programming through March 28. As this situation evolves, the City will make additional decisions on future events/meetings as warranted and has canceled this week’s city council meeting.
In the meantime, City of Buda Emergency Management Coordinator Mike Beggs has been working with regional partners, including the Hays County Health Department, to monitor the outbreak.
“The City of Buda’s Office of Emergency Management will continue to monitor the situation and meet regularly within its organization, and with County, State, and Federal partners as necessary,” said Beggs.
Beggs is also leading the charge when it comes to internal measures being taken to keep City operations functioning.
“We have boosted our janitorial services to include disinfecting of all surfaces, canceled large staff gatherings and retreats, restricted employee travel, and our development services department will move to video conferencing with developers. We are doing everything we can to keep the public and City employees safe and healthy.”
Mayor Haehn is asking everyone to remain calm during this challenging time and follow the recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for coronavirus.
“Plans, protocols, and procedures are in place. We are constantly getting updates and addressing them if needed. Buda City services will continue to be provided. I believe the citizens of this city come together in times of need. We rise to the occasion. We do not hesitate to help one another. I witnessed this type of action during the flooding we had not too long ago. Be courteous and kind to one another. We will get through this, just as we have done so in the past,” said Haehn.
The City of Buda has created a website page with prevention tips and information on the coronavirus at https://www.ci.buda.tx.us/coronavirusinformation. The City will continue to update this page with the latest information from the Hays County Health Department, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Texas Department of State Health Services, and the World Health Organization.
- Buda is also reminding everyone that there are several ways to conduct City business online to pay utility bills or citations (Municipal Court): https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/budatx
- Stream City Council Meetings and Other Board/Commission Meetings:
https://www.ci.buda.tx.us/390/Council-Board-Commission-Meetings—VIEW - Buda Public Library Electronic Resources: https://buda.biblionix.com/catalog/