Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is working with state lawmakers to repeal nine state taxes during the 2015 legislative session. The tax repeal efforts — which deal with taxes ranging from the inheritance tax to the bingo rental tax — would remove archaic laws from state statute, reduce administrative burdens on business owners and provide tax relief to Texans.
“By repealing these outdated taxes, we are creating a more efficient agency that can better serve the taxpayers,” Hegar said. “The resources needed to administer these tax laws should be redeployed to ensure Texans are getting the best possible government at the lowest possible cost, rather than maintaining red tape and regulation unnecessarily burdening business owners.”
Hegar’s repeal efforts already have strong support from both chambers of the Texas Legislature. Leaders from each chamber weighed in on the proposed tax relief.
“I support all efforts to eliminate needless taxation, so I want to thank Comptroller Hegar for identifying these taxes for repeal,” stated Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. “These are exactly the kind of unnecessary burdens that stand in the way of growth and job creation, and I applaud Comptroller Hegar for his work on this issue.”
Said Texas House Speaker Joe Straus: “Comptroller Hegar has found a pragmatic way to reduce taxes while making his agency more efficient. The House appreciates his stewardship and looks forward to working with him on these proposals.”
Legislators have filed six bills in the Texas House of Representatives and Texas Senate. The taxes targeted and the proposed bills that would eliminate the taxes are as follows:
“I want to thank the Lt. Governor, the Speaker and members of the legislature for supporting these efforts,” Hegar said. “I promised the taxpayers of this state an agency that would focus on core functions and eliminate wasteful inefficiencies. Repealing these taxes is an important step in fulfilling that promise.”