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Defendants In 2018 San Marcos Apartment Fire Accuse Medina Man Of Arson

Staff Reports

In July of 2018, a tragic fire at the Iconic Village Apartment Complex in San Marcos claimed the lives of five people and displaced many more.

Two years later, investigators still have not found the suspect in the arson case.

According to a report by San Antonio Express-News, the lawsuit that was filed against the apartment complex’s owners and managers has found someone to blame.

The owners and managers of Iconic Village Apartments along with other defendants named in the lawsuit have accused a Medina County man in the court documents.

Defendants in the case are denying any liability regarding the catastrophe.

Houston Attorney, Jennifer Akre, who represents the apartments’ owner and manager, filed a motion on Sept. 4 in a state district court citing 31-year-old Ryon Wayne Castro “intentionally, maliciously or negligently caused the fire at issue in this case and is therefore responsible for plaintiffs’ alleged injuries and damages.”

The attorneys of several other defendants have filed similar motions pointing at Castro citing their accusations are based on personal investigations and witness interviews.   

No evidence has been filed by the defendants’ attorneys to support the accusations.

Investigators said Castro was interviewed multiple times throughout the investigation and fully cooperated with officials every time.

According to officials, Castro is not a focus of the ongoing criminal investigation.

As of yet, no criminal charges have been filed in the case by anyone, and local, state and federal investigators say the investigation is ongoing.

A state district judge has not ruled on the motions filed against Castro.

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  • Oh Please ....... Desperate people say desperate things.
    The defense attorney for the once-upon-a-time slum known as the Iconic Village NOW has a boogy man defense!
    If truth is a defense for slandering this guy, then why doesn't Iconic Village come out with their proof and sue him?
    Answer: For the same reason law enforcement has not accused this fictional ghost
    It's said that even in the absence of beef a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich.

    San Marcos Corridor News Aug 4, 2019 reader commentary on creation of the Iconic Village boogey man:

    Fred Milanowski, special agent in charge of the Houston Field Division for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (you know, the “BATFE” …the same agency described by President Ronald Reagan as "jack-booted thugs”) on Nov. 30, 2018 declared the cause of this fire was “incendiary” meaning a device designed to cause fires, and the BATFE alleges this fire was intentionally set and will now be considered part of a criminal investigation. This means that the owner of this property known as Iconic Village–which for years was described by others as a death trap roach motel running wild with questionable activity day or night—now cannot be accused as the cause of that fire, because gosh, the BATFE says this slumlord owner is now the “victim of crime” who cannot be accused of committing these criminal acts. Got it?

  • A state district judge has not ruled on the motions filed against Castro.

    Such as ....? ( WARNING. Spoiler Alert )

    "Well, Judge ....we think the man may be a practicing heterosexual.."

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