Categories: Around HaysNews

Hays CISD A Week At A Glance

By, Terra Rivers | Managing Editor

Hays Consolidated Independent School District strives to “nurture students to become extraordinary citizens through unique, personal educational experiences through an innovative community of learners while celebrating our diversity and legacy.”

Hays CISD is home to three four-year high schools, six middle schools (6-8 grade), fourteen elementary schools, an alternative high school of choice and disciplinary center.

Hays CISD has nearly 20,000 students enrolled between its 24 campuses according to the district’s website.

Sept. 20 Thru Sept. 27

Hays CISD Presents Commemorative Ring To Secondary Teacher Of The Year

Hays CISD’s Secondary Teacher of the Year, McCormick Middle School Spanish teacher Ruth Thornburg, had her ongoing recognition reinforced yesterday, being presented with a beautiful commemorative ring.

Representing the district and the recognition sponsoring HCISD Education Foundation, Superintendent Dr. Eric Wright and Foundation board members Kerri Espinoza and Juanita Garza honored Ruth before a gathering of the hugely appreciative and proud Tiger faculty and MMS Principal James Cruz. Thanks to Centex Recognition for the thoughtful donation of the ring and CONGRATULATIONS, Ruth Thornburg! 100% Hays!


Hays CISD Hosts College Fair

On Sept. 25, hundreds of seniors from Hays High, Lehman High and Live Oak Academy participated in the annual Hays CISD College Fair, sponsored by the Texas Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers (TACRAO). Students who participated in the fair, held at the Red Gym at Hays High, had the chance to talk to representatives from colleges and universities from across the state and country. This year, 81 recruiters attended the event, including those from all branches of the U.S Military.


Hays CISD Officials Visit Classrooms

Three Fuentes Elementary School classes got visits Tuesday morning, all three showing remarkable maturity and engagement with their teachers.

Regan Winn’s Star 3rd-Grade class was first, and Hays CISD said it was a true pleasure to see this talented teacher work closely with her fully engaged students on the relationships among story characters and the influence of setting on a plot.

Star staffer Jody Duerr complemented Winn with sensitive mentoring within the crowd. A round of work on stations followed, with big doses of reading, all of it skillfully overseen and guided by Winn’s knowing hand and Duerr’s expert assistance.

Larissa Johnson’s 4th-Grade Star classroom enjoyed a beautifully soft, positive tone set, first, by her smooth, reassuring voice.

Her Stars were truly immersed in stations as we visited, with all being exceptionally attentive as she worked with small groups and moved quietly from table to table. It’s easy to predict a happy year developing here, with lots of learning the end result!


Hays CISD Board Recognize Several Groups, Individuals

On Monday, the Hays CISD Board of Trustees recognized several groups and individuals during their Sept. 23 business meeting. Those recognized included:

  • Students and staff from Lehman High who unveiled the latest “No Place for Hate” banner that will be displayed on campus. According to officials, Hays CISD has proudly earned the distinction of being a “No Place for Hate” district for 13 years. The “No Place for Hate” initiative provides educators and students resources to ensure anti-bias and diversity education are part of the school curriculum.
  • More than 80 businesses, individuals and groups that partnered with Hays CISD to donate school supplies for its annual drive. With the help of its partners, Hays CISD was able to fill more than 500 backpacks and delivered an additional 300 boxes of supplies to campuses for distribution of students. Also recognized was the Word of Life Church and Hays Cares – Shoes of Hope, which gave 200 students a new pair of shoes and socks before the school year.
  • McCormick Middle School student Jean Luis Matias and Hays High student Hunter Helenza, who will be traveling to Peru next month on an expedition to the Amazon Rainforest. The duo competed against applicants from across the globe for a highly coveted spot with the JASON Learning Argonaut program.


Hays High School Seniors Receive Letter of Commendation

Earlier this month, four Hays High seniors received a letter of commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) due to their exemplary scores in the 2018 Preliminary SAT (PSAT)/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT).

Chloe Swanson, Hayden Ellis, Kevin Champagne and Kevin Cervenka (not pictured) were commended by the NMSC. Students who are commended placed among the top 50,000 scorers of the more than 1.5 million students who took the 2018 PSAT/NMSQT.

Along with earning a commendation, Champagne was also named as a National Merit Scholar semifinalist. Only 16,000 of the top 50,000 scorers are named semifinalists, per the NMSC website. Champagne advances to the next round of the competition and should know by spring 2020 if he is a finalist. Those who are chosen as winners are awarded scholarships by the NMSC.


Seas Of Green

A sea of green was prevalent at Nelson Field in Austin Thursday as the Hays and Anderson High fanbases, coaches, athletes, bands, cheer squads and dance teams honored Rebel junior running back Jake Jackson and his fight with high-level Osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Jackson begins chemotherapy treatments on Friday. Fans donned shirts colored green, Jackson favorite color, with some that said: “All in for Jake.” Fans also had a balloon release prior to kickoff.

After the game (which Hays won 35-13), Hays head football coach Les Goad presented Jackson with a game ball signed by his teammates.

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