Hays County Precinct 3 Commissioner Will Conley and Precinct 4 Commissioner Ray Whisenant are hosting a public meeting for the FM 150 Character Plan (from Arroyo Ranch Rd. to RR 12) to share FM 150 corridor concepts and to collect comments on the study. The Character Plan will also include concepts for portions of adjacent roadways such as FM 1826 and Elder Hill Road.
The County is developing a context-sensitive plan for this area now, while there is still flexibility to address community needs and preferences for accommodating future growth and considers collaboration with the communities to develop a plan a priority.
The public meeting will be held on October 22, 2015, from 6 to 8 p.m. with a formal presentation to begin at 6:15 p.m. Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to view corridor concepts and maps, visit with project team members, and share their comments and questions. The meeting will be held at Thurman’s Mansion, 17900 FM 1826 in Driftwood.
This is the third public meeting for this study, following the introductory informational meeting held in October 2014 and the public workshop held in March 2015. A Citizens Advisory Panel (CAP) was appointed by the Commissioners Court after the first public meeting. The CAP is composed of 11 individuals who reside along or interact with the corridor. The CAP has met 10 times with the County and project team and has shared valuable input on the area, driving patterns, unique characteristics and environmental considerations.
The Character Plan is being developed in three phases: Phase 1 – Corridor Features & Themes; Phase 2 – Nature & Character Plan; Phase 3 – Corridor Master Plan. The project team is still in Phase 1 of developing a Corridor Master Plan and there are no plans, timelines, or funding for construction.
For those unable to attend the public meeting, materials will be posted to the project website and comments and questions will be accepted after the meeting. For project information, please visit www.improvefm150.com.