Kyle City Council To Hear Report On All Road Bond Projects Including Latest Project Cost Estimates
8 years ago
Kyle City Council will receive presentations on the Rail House grant request and hearing a progress report on all road bond projects including latest project cost estimates.
Here are some of the items the Kyle City Council will hear or take action on during their Tuesday meeting;
Progress report on all road bond projects including latest project cost estimates.
Presentation on Rail House grant request.
Approve the site plan for ACC Hays Campus Phase 2 Expansion (SD-17-004) 96.093 acres; 1 lot located at 1200 Kohler’s Crossing.
Authorize the City Manager to enter negotiations with Axon to begin processes for a possible contract for Police in-car video, body worn video, less lethal weapons, and digital evidence storage and management.
Consider and possible action on pertinent items related to the Service and Assessment Plan and Finance Agreement for the Blanco River Ranch PID.
Rezoning approximately 4.566 acres of land from Multi-Family Residential-3 ‘R-3-3’ to Retail Service District ‘RS’ for property located at the northwest corner of Marketplace Avenue and S. FM 1626.
Rezoning approximately 98.106 acres of land from Single Family Residential Attached ‘R-1-A’ and Single Family Residential-2 ‘R-1-2’ to Single Family Residential-3 ‘R-1-3’ for property located off of Bunton Lane approximately 2,000 feet east of Twin Estates Drive.
Kyle City Council Regular Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, June 20, 2017