Categories: NewsSan MarcosTraffic

Lane Closures & Detours: This Week’s Top 24 Traffic Alerts In San Marcos

The long & short term road construction projects that could affect your drive… Please use caution, drive slowly and watch for heavy equipment, construction workers, and traffic control flaggers.


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ARMSTRONG STREET: The 100-400 block of Armstrong Street will have partial lance closures for utility construction. Cox Commercial Construction, Darren 956.601.1645 Mar. 1
7 AM
May. 31
5 PM
I-35 SOUTHBOUND MAIN-LANES BETWEEN CENTERPOINT RD. & YORK RD.: IH-35 main-lanes between Centerpoint Rd. & York Rd will have full lane closure for Posey Rd. TxDOT, 512.565.8406 May 19
9 PM
May 20
5 AM
I-35 MAIN-LANES BETWEEN CENTERPOINT RD. & YORK RD.: IH-35 main-lanes between Centerpoint Rd. & York Rd will have lane closure for Posey Rd. construction. TxDOT, 512.565.8406
May 20
9 PM
May 24
5 AM
DANCING OAK LANE: Dancing Oak Lane will be closed for two hours for construction equipment transport. Gary Loyd, 512.784.4767
May 24
9 AM
May 24
3 PM
EAST GUADALUPE STREET: East Guadalupe Street will receive routine maintenance, weather permitting. Please beware of one-way traffic and avoid park vehicles on the street to avoid towing. City of San Marcos Engineering/CIP Dept. 512.393.8130, Smith Contracting, 512.789.5441
May 14
8 AM
June 14
5 PM
ROOSEVELT STREET: Roosevelt Street from Eisenhower Street/Patton Street will have partial lane closures with flagger control for wastewater line construction. Cox Commercial Construction, 956.601.1645 Mar. 1
7 AM
May 31
5 PM
ALABAMA STREET: 500-800 Block of Alabama Street will have lane closure with flagger control for Wastewater line construction. Cox Commercial Construction, 956.601.1645 Mar. 1
7 AM
May 31
5 PM
PLEASANT STREET: Pleasant Street will be reduced to one lane for a Condensate Line Replacement Project – Texas State – Mike Krouse – May 16 May 24
CHARLES AUSTIN: Charles Austin will be closed for Texas State Graduation. Texas State University Police Department 512.245.2805 May 24
5 PM – 10 PM
May 25
10 AM – 3 PM
UHLAND ROAD: Uhland Road at Mill Street will be closed for Under Ground Utility Instillation – City of San Marcos Engineering Department- 512.393.8136 May 20
8 AM
May 22
5 PM
LONG TERM — BROWN STREET: Brown Street between Prospect Street and Belvin Street will be closed for utility installation. Jacob Snyder, 214.298.4578 Apr. 3
7 AM
May 20
5 PM
LONG TERM — CAMACHO STREET/MACARTHUR STREET: 200 – 300 Block of Camacho Street/MacArthur Street will have lane closure with flagger control for Wastewater line construction. Cox Commercial Construction, 956.601.1645 Mar. 18
7 AM
May 31
5 PM
LONG TERM — RAILROAD STREET: Railroad Street between Eisenhower and Gomez Street will be closed for utility installation. Cox Commercial Construction, 956.601.1645 Mar. 1
7 AM
May 31
5 PM
LONG TERM CLOSURE — MILL STREET RECONSTRUCTION: Mill Street between 500 and 700 blocks will have partial lane closure for the reconstruction of waterline services and potholing. City of San Marcos Engineering/CIP Dept. 512.393.8130, Smith Contracting, 512.789.5441
OLD RR 12: From Hopkins to Craddock – Stripping
AQUARENA SPRINGS: At IH 35 to River Road – Stripping
Fall of
Bert Brown Street at Post Road will be closed for Under Ground Utility Installation – Jacob Snyder – 214.298.4578
June 1
7 AM
June 30
5 PM
LONG TERM — CHEATHAM STREET: Cheatham Street and the 400-500 Blocks of Guadalupe will have partial lane closures for new construction. Gary Bellomy, Cheatham Street, L.P. 512.694.8839
July 2019
LONG TERM CLOSURE — HOPKINS STREET: A portion of Hopkins St. will be closed for a road widening project and underground utility installation. Richard Reynosa, 512.393.8235
Nov. 2018
Fall 2020
LONG TERM CLOSURE – STUDENT CENTER DRIVE: Student Center Drive from Matthews to the North Loading Dock of the Alkek Library will be closed for the expansion of the LBJ Student Center. Service and delivery access to Alkek Library and Derrick Hall loading docks will be available, via Russell and Pickard Streets. Texas State University, 512.245.2202
Current Jan. 2020
LONG TERM CLOSURECOERS STREET: Coers Street between Old RR 12 to Owens Street will have southbound lane closure to through traffic for drainage improvement. Denbow Company, 512.264.2767 Oct. 1
7 AM
Dec. 1
5:30 PM
LONG TERM CLOSURE – CONCHO STREET: Eastbound Concho Street between LBJ and Guadalupe will be closed, LBJ and Guadalupe will also have narrow lanes between University Drive and Concho Street for Construction. 3411 Builders, Inc., Richard Bagby, 832.449.0328

LONG TERM – TRAVIS STREET DRAINAGE PROJECT: Traffic impacts include the intersection of MLK at Armstead, Armstead from MLK to San Antonio Street, San Antonio Street from Travis Street to Armstead and Travis Street from San Antonio St. to Hopkins Street will be closed for utility installation. Commercial Construction, Darren Okruhlik, 956.601.1645 Mar. 1
7 AM
Nov. 2019
5 PM
LONG TERM CLOSURE – CM ALLEN PARKWAY: CM Allen between University Drive and Hopkins Street will be closed for the reconstruction of roadway. COSM Engineering/CIP Dept., 512.393.8130 July 25
9 AM
**CLOSURE EVERY SATURDAY – EAST SAN ANTONIO STREET: Half a block closed from the alley to N. LBJ every Saturday from for the Farmers Market on the Square. Main Street Program, 512.393.8430
Every Saturday
8 AM
Every Saturday
3 PM


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