Food Drives Dwindle in the Summer; Hays County Residents Still Hungry
Food drives dwindle in the summer, and yet the food insecure still question how and where they may get their next meal. Schools are no longer in session to provide breakfast and lunch to the 72% of students who qualify for free or reduced lunches in the San Marcos CISD, or the 50% who qualify in the Hays CISD. Help us keep bellies full this summer and stock our shelves.
Hays County is participating in the 23rd annual
Stamp Out Hunger Campaign by the National Association of Letter Carriers on May 9th. Residents of the county are encouraged to bag or box up any nonperishable food items they would like to donate and set them out by their mailbox before their mail carrier arrives on Saturday, May 9th.
If you live in an apartment complex, place any bags or boxes of items you wish to donate near your mailbox area. You may also wish to notify your building’s manager or your letter carrier in advance and let them know that you want to help stamp out hunger. You can even suggest that your apartment complex place a collection bin by the mailbox area for residents to place their donations.
In 2014, Hays County came together and donated 5,903 pounds of food, or nearly 3 tons to help their neighbors in need! Nationally, Stamp Out Hunger brought in 72.5 million pounds! This year, imagine if every household donated just 5 pounds of food; that would equal to approximately ¼ of a million pounds of food for our neighbors in need.
You can help eliminate hunger in Hays County by making a donation to support the Hays County Food Bank. Your gift enables the Food Bank to provide nutritious food to our community. Visit or call (512)392-8300 to make a donation. Go to for details about public distributions, volunteer opportunities, the Get FED, HOPE and YEAH programs, and upcoming events.