Recovery Assistance Still Available For The 2015 May & October Floods

Thomas Monahan, Executive Director of the Blanco River Regional Recovery Team (BR3T), is reminding all survivors of the May and October 2015 floods in Hays, Blanco, Caldwell, and Guadalupe counties that help is still available if they have flood-related needs that were not taken care of by other means.

“Even with federal and nonprofit assistance to homeowners and renters, there are still some survivors who need help rebuilding homes and furnishing them,” Monahan said. “The BR3T has a program in place to help those without other resources rebuild their lives.”

Family Endeavors, a national, nonprofit agency with a staff now located in Central Texas, is assisting the BR3T with case management in the four-county BR3T area. By calling 512-842-9008 a flood survivor can make an appointment to have a Family Endeavors staff member visit and discuss your needs.

“If you are living in a damaged home, or can’t move back into your home because of damage, or if you need furnishings for your home because of flood damage, I encourage you to call,” Monahan said. 


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