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San Marcos City Council To Consider Eviction Prevention Program

Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council will hold a public hearing and receive comments regarding resolution 2020-256R amending the Community Development Block Grant Action Plan for Program Year 2019.

The amendments will add the awarded CDBG – Coronavirus Response Round Three allocation of $567,825 and approving projects for the use of the funds.

Council received a presentation on the third round of funding in October and directed staff to allocate funding to be used for an Eviction Prevention for individuals and small businesses.

The purpose of this meeting is to hold the public hearing, amend the 2019 Action Plan to include the new CDBG-CV funding, and allocate the funding to the eviction prevention program, now formally named the COVID-19 Emergency Housing and Business Relief Program.

This program is summarized below:

  • The purpose of the program is to lessen the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Eligible expenses could include rent, mortgage, and utilities
  • The program would be open to individuals and businesses. At least 70% of the funding must benefit low-to moderate-income individuals.
  • Administrative costs would be kept to a minimum but could be up to 20% of the available funding ($113,565). Program funding will be at least 80% of the funding, or $454,260. Funds not used for administration will be used for program funding.

The CBDG Action Plan 20192-2020 was approved on June 18, 2019.

In March 2020, City Council approved Resolution 2020-54R amending the 2019 CDBG Action Plan to reallocate $67,142.00 from the Unsafe Structures Program to the amount allocated for the Southside Community Center Rehab Program.

Another amendment was made in June 2020 to allocate $425,261 and approve projects for the use of $319,731 of those funds.

On August 4, 2020, City Council approved Resolution 2020-163R to award $105,530 to Hays County to increase or improve COVID-19 testing in the City of San Marcos.

The Council will convene for their regular meeting at 6:00 PM Tuesday.

Those wishing to submit comments or register to speak at City Council must contact the City Clerk at prior to 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

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  • Imagine it: Multinational corporations who as “essential services” lobby big government to close down small businesses, whereby corporations such as Amazon and Walmart and Dollar General make billions while millions of small businesses owners are destroyed – Seen any of that lately? Welcome to the new free market, where competition-killers are king.

    Oh but after kicking local business in the teeth for the last seven months, our local Ruling Elite is going to buy the little guys a new set of dentures. How quaint !

  • How about instead of leveraging our children's futures, we actually admit that the past 8 months have been a completely ineffective, waste of time and energy? Then open up immediately and actively combat any future suggestion of similar actions.

    But, but, but... People are hurting! -- No they aren't. They are babies sucking on the government-pacifier. This mess would have never lasted past June except for the government unconstitutional move to invalidate lawfully executed contracts. Since it did, many ran to the liquor store. That money went to vice instead of basic adulting. Now, tax revenue dropped significantly at the same time spending is going up. That bill will come due. And fewer businesses will carry a greater burden.

    We allowed this "disease" (with a near 100% survival rate) to set precedent going forward. America will never be the same. Hope you saved up.

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