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San Marcos Planning & Zoning To Consider Preliminary Plating For Whisper Texas PDD, CUP For Rollin’ Bowl

Staff Reports

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission has a short agenda slated for Tuesday evening.

As their consent agenda, commissioners will consider a request by Vigil & Associates on behalf of Whisper Residential LLC for the approval of a preliminary plat for approximately 181.467 acres.

The subject property is part of the Whisper Texas Planned Development District (PDD) within the mixed-use portion of the development and is consistent with the Development Standards of the PDD, according to staff.

The proposed preliminary plat will identify 581 single-family lots, seven mixed-use lots, 15 parks and open space lots and four detention lots.

However, the agenda notes “preliminary plats are not recorded and are not the legal document used for the sale of lots” and are “used to allow for comprehensive review of the proposed development.”

Following the consent agenda item, commissioners will hold a public hearing on a conditional use permit application to allow for the sale of beer and wine for on-premise consumption for the restaurant Rollin’ Bowl.

The property is located 1285 S. IH 35 and will be a proposed 4,100 sq. Ft restaurant with 143 indoor seats and 25 outdoor seats.

According to the agenda, staff recommends the approval of the CUP with the following conditions:

  • The permit shall be valid for one (1) years, provided standards are met,
  • The employees may not park on the Olive Garden lot,
  • The permit shall be effective upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and
  • The permit shall be posted in the same area and manner as the Certificate of Occupancy.

Commissioners will also hold a public hearing on the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master plan and provide recommendations to staff.

The final items slated to be addressed by commissioners is the appointment of a commission member to the Alcohol Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Committee and the appointment of a new chair and vice chair of the planning and zoning commission.

Planning and Zoning Commission will convene their regular meeting at 6 PM on Tuesday, March 12, in the San Marcos City Council Chambers at City Hall.


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