Sheriff Cutler Announces Opening Of New Facilities

In November of 2016, Hays County voters passed a $106.4 million bond package for public safety facilities, including an expansion and renovation of the decades-old jail and the construction of buildings for emergency communications, law enforcement, and fleet maintenance.

The last time Hays County opened a new Sheriff’s Office and jail was over thirty years ago in 1989. The population in Hays County at the time was around 65,400 people.

Command Staff members in photo from Left to Right: Capt. David Burns, Chief Deputy Mike Davenport, Sheriff Gary Cutler, Capt. Mark Cumberland, Capt. Julie Villalpando.

Since then, Hays County has become one of the fastest-growing counties in the country, and in 2019, the population was over 230,000.

Sheriff Gary Cutler is pleased to announce that the Public Safety Building, the Allen Bridges Training Academy, and the fleet maintenance building have all been completed except for a few minor touchups.

The jail expansion has been completed and inmates have been transferred to the new building while the renovations to the old jail have started.

As phases of the renovation are completed and staffing levels are adequate, outsourced inmates will return to Hays County.

Once renovations are completed, the Hays County Jail will have a maximum capacity of 603 inmates.

The Public Safety Building, located at 810 South Stagecoach Trl, houses most of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement bureaus and administration, the Office of Emergency Management, and a state of art combined 9-1-1 Center that will house operators from the Hays County Sheriff’s Office, Kyle Police Department, and Texas State University.

This combined center along with the Office of Emergency Management will increase the efficiency of response to major disasters throughout Hays County.

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