Categories: Editorials

Small Business Is The Lifeblood Of Any Community

Guest Editorial
A Local Small Business Owner
Our local businesses provide jobs and generate tax revenue for the City.  They put our friends and neighbors to work, and they give San Marcos its unique character.
As a local small business owner and active member in this community, I recognize that we cannot do it alone. We need employers relocating to our area; we need to give our homegrown companies the tools they need to expand their operations here; and we need to provide more jobs with competitive salaries and good benefits. Simply put, we need the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP).
I am a strong supporter of the important and necessary work the GSMP performs on behalf of our region; we are reaping the benefits of the organization’s efforts. I have lived in the area for close to 15 years and have not seen economic development initiatives ever work better than they are now. Since its formation, the Partnership has created more than 1,000 jobs in our region. And these are the quality jobs San Marcos families deserve – jobs that put money in their pockets.
Many talk about the “ripple effect” that comes with good jobs. This is something I can speak to firsthand. I maintain businesses operations in Round Rock, New Braunfels, Kyle, and San Marcos. My business grows only as people in the communities I serve have meaningful employment and choose to spend their money supporting local businesses, restaurants and retail stores. Three-hundred-and-fifty jobs coming to the old Butler Building means good news for me and every other small businesses in San Marcos – keep those wins coming, Greater San Marcos Partnership!
What I do not understand is why our City Council thinks it should reduce its support of an organization that is doing so much good to hire its own people internally; that seems like it would cost us more money and cost us a whole lot of momentum. There is no way City staff will generate the level of interest in San Marcos from companies across the country that the GSMP does. When we compete with cities throughout the United States, we need a team of experienced professionals leading the charge. And, we need a personal touch. That’s what we get in the Partnership.
Another critical point to make is that we have so many Texas State graduates that would like to live and raise their families in San Marcos. But, we don’t have the jobs available for them to do that. They have to move to Austin or even New Braunfels and are forced to leave San Marcos behind. The Partnership is helping close that gap.
GSMP’s efforts can be seen in so many aspects of our community beyond its impact on local and small businesses. We have a growing tax base that benefits our school district, our civic organizations, and our churches. And, we can now offer more employment opportunities to the hard-working families of San Marcos. For these reasons, as a small business owner, I fully support the Greater San Marcos Partnership and its incredibly important mission.
Please, DO NOT reduce the City of San Marcos’ financial participation in the Greater San Marcos Partnership. Please, DO keep the City’s funding level the same and allow the Partnership to continue to fulfill its very critical role of job creation. It benefits us all.
Brian Olson

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  • Chair, SM Arts Commission
    I had the privilege of serving on the task force, helping to develop the Master Plan and serving as an alternate on the initial Board of Directors for GSMP.

    The original vision and efforts we're unique and exciting because the focus was regional AND local and included engaged partners who could help make it happen.

    I'm concerned that starting over at city level will put us behind other neighboring communities and economic development efforts.

    Can we afford to start over or should we try to work better/smarter with GSMP?

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