State Sen. Dr. Donna Campbell’s 85th Legislative Bills

Last week Corridor News ran the House Bills from State Rep. Jason Isaac R-Dripping Spring – District 45. We decided to give you the same for your local Senator Donna Campbell. Here is Sen Campbell’s current Senate Bills.

Last week Corridor News ran the House Bills from State Rep. Jason Isaac R-Dripping Springs – District 45. We decided to give you the same from Senator Dr. Donna Campbell R-New Braunfels, District 25.

Dr. Donna Campbell is a board certified emergency room physician, retired ophthalmologist, and proud parent of four daughters. She lives in New Braunfels and represents Senate District 25, a six county district which includes parts of San Antonio and Austin. She serves as the Chairwoman of the Veteran Affairs and Border Security and sits on the Education, Business & Commerce, and Intergovernmental Relations Committees.

Texas Legislature Bills Authored / Joint Authored by Sen. Donna Campbell

85th Legislature Regular Session  — Report Date: 3/24/2017


SB 174  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 01/25/2017  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to inclusion of a course on the founding principles of the United States in the curriculum requirements for public high school students and the posting of the founding documents of the United States in public school buildings.

SB 198    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 01/25/2017  —  Referred to Transportation

Caption: Relating to voting eligibility requirements for members of a metropolitan planning organization policy board.

SB 199    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 01/25/2017  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to procedural requirements for adopting and filing a school district budget.

SB 200    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/06/2017   —  Left pending in committee

Caption: Relating to public access to boundary, financial, and tax rate information of certain political subdivisions.

SB 201    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 01/25/2017  —  Referred to Intergovernmental Relations

Caption: Relating to ballot propositions authorizing certain political subdivisions to issue debt obligations.

SB 239  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 01/30/2017 S  —  Referred to Criminal Justice

Caption: Relating to a parent’s right to view the body of a deceased child before an autopsy is performed.

SB 277  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/27/2017 S  —  Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices.

SB 395  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S   —  Committee report printed and distributed: Mar 23 2017 2:45PM

Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility.

SB 457   —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/06/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to funding for an open-enrollment charter school based on the guaranteed level of state and local funds provided to school districts through the existing debt allotment.

SB 550   —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/27/2017 S  —  Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to the sale or assignment of tax credits for the certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures.

SB 564   —   Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/08/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the applicability of open meetings requirements to certain meetings of a governing body relating to information technology security practices.

SB 583  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/08/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.

SB 587  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/08/2017 S  —  No action taken in committee

Caption: Relating to the ability of certain students to enroll full-time in courses provided through the state virtual school network.

SB 590  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/08/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the authority of certain holders of a wine and beer retailer’s permit to manufacture and sell wine and engage in certain related activities.

SB 601  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/22/2017 S  —  Considered in public hearing

Caption: Relating to authorizing an exemption for open-enrollment charter schools from certain municipal drainage requirements.

SB 616  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/13/2017 S  —  Referred to Intergovernmental Relations

Caption: Relating to requirements for a ballot proposition for a proposed municipal charter amendment.

SB 659    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/14/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the availability of personal information of a statewide elected official or member of the legislature.

SB 671  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/15/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to the public high school graduation credit requirements for a language other than English.

SB 715  —  Author: Campbell | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Creighton | et al.  —  Last Action: 02/21/2017 S  —  Referred to Intergovernmental Relations

Caption: Relating to municipal annexation.

SB 732    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/21/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to the authority of public junior colleges to offer certain courses and programs, including under agreements with independent school districts.

SB 751  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S  —  Not again placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to the confidentiality of certain information of and the abolishment date of the military base realignment and closure task force.

SB 752  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/22/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to the overseas military e-mail ballot program.

SB 782  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/22/2017 S  —  Referred to Agriculture, Water, & Rural Affairs

Caption: Relating to the ownership and local regulation of trees and timber.

SB 815    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/27/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to the modification of an order establishing the conservatorship of a child.

SB 816  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/27/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to the rendition by a court in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship of an order that is contrary to the expressed wishes of the child’s parent.

SB 855    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/27/2017 S  —  Referred to Health & Human Services

Caption: Relating to prohibiting certain transactions between a governmental entity and an abortion facility or affiliate of the facility.

SB 914  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/28/2017 S  —  Referred to Intergovernmental Relations

Caption: Relating to the creation of the Kendall County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

SB 940  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/01/2017 S  —  Referred to Health & Human Services

Caption: Relating to the evaluation of and improvements to the quality of the Texas Workforce Commission’s subsidized child care program.

SB 957  —  Author: Campbell | Hinojosa  —  Last Action: 03/01/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to the numbering of propositions on the ballot.

SB 1005    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/06/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to the use of the SAT or the ACT as a secondary exit-level assessment instrument to allow certain public school students to receive a high school diploma.

SB 1094  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/07/2017 S  — Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to parental rights regarding a student’s participation in human sexuality instruction in public schools.

SB 1134    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/07/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to the scheduling of the first day of school for students by school districts.

SB 1135    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/07/2017 S  — Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to the first day of instruction at a public school in a district of innovation.

SB 1176  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/28/2017 S  —  Scheduled for public hearing on . . .

Caption: Relating to the transfer of alcoholic beverages between certain noncontiguous permitted premises.

SB 1199    Author: Campbell | Menéndez  —  Last Action: 03/09/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to service contract providers.

SB 1200    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/09/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to guidelines for the proper care and display of the United States and Texas flags by public schools.

SB 1276    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/13/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to designation of gender-neutral bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, shower rooms, and similar facilities.

SB 1324    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/14/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the eligibility for and emergency suspension of a license relating to massage therapy.

SB 1362    Author: Campbell | Buckingham | Kolkhorst | Nelson | Zaffirini  —  Last Action: 03/27/2017 S  —  Scheduled for public hearing on . . .

Caption: Relating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries.

SB 1385  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to enforcement of certain regulations by the acquisition of a conservation easement.

SB 1400  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to state banks, state bank holding companies, and branches of foreign banks.

SB 1401    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the regulation of banks and trust companies.

SB 1402    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the regulation of cemeteries and the administration of perpetual care trust funds.

SB 1403    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the regulation of money services businesses.

SB 1440  — Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain candidate events under the open meetings law.

SB 1455    Author: Campbell | Hinojosa | Perry  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Higher Education

Caption: Relating to the establishment of a rural resident physician grant program.

SB 1469    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Intergovernmental Relations

Caption: Relating to an election for the removal of a director serving on the board of directors of certain water districts.

SB 1485    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to payment standards for preferred provider benefit plans to reduce balance billing of insureds for out-of-network health care services.

SB 1486    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to payment standards for preferred provider benefit plans to reduce balance billing of insureds for out-of-network health care services.

SB 1536    Author: Campbell | Perry  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to the ability of a child-placing agency to decline to provide services or accept a referral from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the basis of sincerely held religious beliefs.

SB 1602    Author: Campbell | Perry  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S  —  Referred to Health & Human Services

Caption: Relating to reporting requirements by health care practitioners and certain health care facilities for abortion complications and to an annual report by the Department of State Health Services; providing a civil penalty.

SB 1613  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the assignment of health insurance benefits to a physician or health care provider.

SB 1614  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to a misleading representation or misrepresentation in an explanation of benefits provided by a health benefit plan issuer or administrator.

SB 1615    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to what constitutes balance billing of a health benefit plan enrollee by a physician or health care provider for purposes of certain disclosure and medication requirements.

SB 1636  —  Author: Campbell | Buckingham  —  Last Action: 03/22/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the use of extrapolation by a health maintenance organization or an insurer to audit claims.

SB 1759  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to fire protection sprinkler systems in residential high-rise buildings in certain municipalities.

SB 1797    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to regulation of electricians by local governments.

SB 1843  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Vet Affairs & Border Security

Caption: Relating to providing an opportunity for public high school students in grades 10 through 12 to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test or an alternative vocational aptitude test.

SB 1844    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Criminal Justice

Caption: Relating to the administration of and eligibility for participation in a veterans treatment court program and the issuance of orders of nondisclosure for certain participants who successfully complete that program.

SB 1845    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Vet Affairs & Border Security

Caption: Relating to the development of transferable degree or certificate program curricula for which qualified veterans or military service members may be awarded course credit based on military service.

SB 1883    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Education

Caption: Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools and the review of challenges by open-enrollment charter schools or school districts to accountability determinations.

SB 1901  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  —  Referred to Vet Affairs & Border Security

Caption: Relating to Texas Military Heroes Day in public schools.

SB 1909    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 S  — Referred to Transportation

Caption: Relating to the use of money in the state highway fund for toll projects.

SB 1989    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/10/2017 S  — Filed

Caption: Relating to the elimination of straight-party voting for judicial offices.

SB 2059  —  Author: Campbell  — Last Action: 03/10/2017 S  — Filed

Caption: Relating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education.

SB 2060    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 3/10/2017 S  — Filed

Caption: Relating to compensation and restitution to crime victims and the disposition of unclaimed restitution payments; providing for an administrative penalty.

SB 2114  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/10/2017 S  —Filed

Caption: Relating to certain duties of a parent or guardian regarding information in reports prepared by the Department of Family and Protective Services in adoption cases.

SB 2198  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/10/2017 S  —  Filed

Caption: Relating to interest that accrues under the Property Tax Code.

SB 2245    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  — Received by the Secretary of the Senate

Caption: Relating to the creation of the North Hays County Municipal Utility District No. 2; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

SCR 29  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to Administration

Caption: Designating Dripping Springs as the official Wedding Capital of Texas for a 10-year period beginning in 2017.

SJR 1    Author: Campbell | Menéndez | Uresti | Zaffirini  —  Last Action: 03/14/2017 H  — Received from the Senate

Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.

SR 33  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 01/30/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing Armando Perez who was named the recipient of a Star of Texas Award.

SR 56    Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/01/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing February 3, 2017, as National Wear Red Day in Texas.

SR 96  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/06/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing Walter Penk for his achievements in the field of mental illness treatments for veterans.

SR 191  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/14/2017 S  — Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing the Texas Center for the Book and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for launching the Read Across Texas program.

SR 231  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 02/21/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing Florence Roberta Key Fisher on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

SR 262  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/06/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing Dick Cole as the last surviving Doolittle Raider.

SR 416  —  Author: Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/14/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing October 13, 2017, as Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

SB 5  —  Author: Huffman | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Burton | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/22/2017 S  —  Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty.

SB 8  —  Author: Schwertner | Campbell | Kolkhorst | Nelson | Perry  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 H  —  Received from the Senate

Caption: Relating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus and human fetal tissue; creating a civil cause of action; creating offenses.

SB 13  —  Author: Huffman | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Burton | Campbell | et al.  —  Last Action: 02/21/2017 S  —  Committee report printed and distributed: Feb 21 2017 2:41PM

Caption: Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations.

SB 21  —  Author: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Campbell | Creighton | Hancock | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/01/2017 H  —  Received from the Senate

Caption: Relating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution; providing a criminal penalty.

SB 23    Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Burton | Campbell | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/22/2017 S  —  Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify.

SB 25  —  Author: Creighton | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Burton | Campbell | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/22/2017 H  —  Received from the Senate

Caption: Relating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action.

SB 29    Author: Creighton | Campbell | Hall | Huffines  —  Last Action: 03/23/2017 H  — Received from the Senate

Caption: Relating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel.

SB 510    Author: Zaffirini | Buckingham | Campbell | Watson  —  Last Action: 03/22/2017 S — Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records.

SB 575  —  Author: Schwertner | Birdwell | Buckingham | Burton | Campbell | et al.  —  Last Action: 02/28/2017 S  —  Left pending in committee

Caption: Relating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax.

SB 588    Author: Lucio | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/15/2017 S  —  Left pending in committee

Caption: Relating to information regarding private employers who have veteran’s employment preference policies.

SB 602  —  Author: Hinojosa | Birdwell | Campbell | Schwertner  —  Last Action: 02/13/2017 S — Referred to Health & Human Services

Caption: Relating to the establishment of a restructuring commission to evaluate each state supported living center.

SB 628    Author: Schwertner | Birdwell | Burton | Campbell | Creighton | et al.  —  Last Action: 02/13/2017 S  —  Referred to State Affairs

Caption: Relating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity.

SB 629   Author: Schwertner | Buckingham | Burton | Campbell | Creighton | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S   —  Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use.

SB 655    Author: Bettencourt | Campbell | Hall  —  Last Action: 02/14/2017 S  —  Referred to Intergovernmental Relations

Caption: Relating to certain notice of the extent of a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction.

SB 697    Author: Buckingham | Campbell | Estes | Schwertner  —  Last Action: 03/21/2017 S —  Left pending in committee

Caption: Relating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization.

SB 798    Author: Huffines | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Burton | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/14/2017 H  —  Received from the Senate

Caption: Relating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day.

SB 1066    Author: Schwertner | Buckingham | Campbell | Huffman | Nelson  —  Last Action: 03/27/2017 S  —  Placed on intent calendar

Caption: Relating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education.

SB 1075    Author: Buckingham | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/07/2017 S  —  Referred to Health & Human Services

Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Veterans Recovery Pilot Program to provide certain veterans with hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

SB 1138  —  Author: Whitmire | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Burton | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/14/2017 H  — Received from the Senate

Caption: Relating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer.

SB 1148  —  Author: Buckingham | Bettencourt | Burton | Campbell | Hinojosa | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/07/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state.

SB 1198    Author: Zaffirini | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/09/2017 S  —  Referred to Agriculture, Water, & Rural Affairs

Caption: Relating to the conversion of the Hays Caldwell Public Utility Agency to the Alliance Regional Water Authority; providing authority to issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to impose fees.

SB 1262  —  Author: Huffman | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/13/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant’s or employee’s criminal history record information.

SB 1406  —  Author: Creighton | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/16/2017 S  —  Referred to Business & Commerce

Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements.

SB 1427   —  Author: Hancock | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Health & Human Services

Caption: Relating to providing information regarding perinatal hospice care and prohibiting discriminatory abortions; creating an administrative penalty, a civil remedy, and criminal offenses.

SB 1436    Author: Uresti | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Criminal Justice

Caption: Relating to the punishment for the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual and creating the offense of continuous injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual.

SB 1505  —  Author: Hinojosa | Campbell  —  Last Action: 03/20/2017 S  —  Referred to Finance

Caption: Relating to the application of and allocation of revenue from certain taxes imposed on certain tobacco products.

SJR 2  —  Author: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Campbell | Creighton | Hancock | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/01/2017 H  —  Received from the Senate

Caption: Applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress.

SR 193    Author: Zaffirini | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.  —  Last Action: 02/15/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day.

SR 308  —  Author: Menéndez | Campbell | Uresti | Zaffirini  —  Last Action: 02/28/2017 S  — Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing February 28, 2017, as VIVA San Antonio Day.

SR 318    Author: Perry | Buckingham | Campbell | Rodríguez | Seliger | et al.  —  Last Action: 03/01/2017 S  —  Reported enrolled

Caption: Recognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day.

SR 347    Author: Menéndez | Campbell | Uresti | Zaffirini  —  Last Action: 03/07/2017 S  — Again read

Caption: Recognizing the Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.


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