Living Outside The Lines

Living Outside The Lines: “Dear Adults, Napping Is Permitted”

As we mature from infant to toddler we also outgrow bottles, diapers, pacifiers, mashed food and teething rings, but the…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “For The Love Of Community”

Our event was a, “Back to School Splash” with water slides, water balloon toss, kiddie area, hot dogs, chips, water,…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: A Candid Look At Parenting

No one and I do mean no one prepares you for the difficult teenage years. Oh, you hear the tales…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Fifty & Wondering About Fabulous

Borrowing a line from “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” I would say this about my 50th birthday, “It came without…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “We All Scream For Ice Cream”

“I scream; you scream; we all scream for ice cream!!”  by, Becky j Miller As a lover of ice cream,…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Finding Joy In Sorrow”

Much of that trip is a blur, buried under layers of scar tissue, but several vivid memories stand out: the…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Woman Versus Wave”

“In the summer months, enjoy extremely calm conditions and explore the canal systems or jetties extending into the Gulf of…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Pizza, Pizza”

I’m also certain the words, “I don’t feel like eating pizza tonight,” have never exited my lips.  by, Becky j…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Summer’s Inner-Child”

Virtually everyone is abuzz with adventurous plans; family trips to Walt Disney World, romantic cruises to foreign lands, endless days…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Little Miss Sassy Britches”

To say that Brittany was our stubborn child would be like saying Krispy Kreme doughnuts taste best when the “hot…

7 years ago

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