Living Outside The Lines

Living Outside the Lines: “When, ‘I’m so blessed’ = Excuse me while I puke!”

Think about this for sec; money can buy anyone a fabulous vacation, but the ability to remain steadfast under trial,…

7 years ago

Living Outside the Lines: “Obsessed with Wonder Woman”

I believe it fair to say, I am not alone in my obsession!  The newest DC Comics movie, Wonder Woman…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: First World Problems

Training ended Thursday so Friday and Monday I was appropriately dressed for the hot temperatures, well not exactly appropriately as…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Then You Stand

Perhaps I was jealous because he sipped on Starbucks that week, ate at one of my favorite spots, and spent…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Tales Of A 15K

My running buddy, Gertrude the Garmin, beeped at me whether I was ON PACE, BEHIND PACE or AHEAD OF PACE.…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Comfort Food

The term “comfort food” can be traced back to a 1966 Palm Beach Post story which stated, “adults, when under…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Got Books??

'Today my love of both reading and writing allows me serve as an official book reviewer for a number of…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: To Tattoo Or Not To Tattoo

Across the ocean in the good ole’ U.S. of A., it would be another decade before American soldiers began inking…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Still Of The Night”

I don’t worry so much about Freddy Krueger or Jason appearing, but the brain sucking corpses from “Night of the…

7 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: “Seafood-A-Palooza!”

Here is where my East Coast upbringing and transplanted Texan selves have a big of a struggle; East Coast oysters…

7 years ago

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