Living Outside The Lines

Living Outside The Lines: Great Smoky Mountains

Mr. Bear climbed down from the overhang, pounced on the ground beside the car, looked our way and lumbered across…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: In Honor Of Independence

I encourage each of us to pause and reflect on the reasons why we celebrate. Perhaps we do not agree…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Traveling the Southbound Highway

Living in the middle of Texas where one can drive for hours without leaving the state, she finds it very…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: LIVE! With Maroon 5!

Perhaps it was the release of 2015’s Sugar that really caught my attention. But, #promise, I liked the band’s sound…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Welcome To Shiner, Texas, Y’all!

How then did Shiner, Texas become the home of world renowned Shiner Beer? Okay, maybe not world renowned, but definitely…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Integrity Speak

Of all the candidates were asked the question, “What does integrity in the work place look like to you on…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Dear John

If we’re honest, all of us have celebrity crushes. One of mine, yes one of several, is Channing Tatum. I…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: My Super Power

We can’t all be super heroes, particularly since those exist only in a fantasy world, but we all do have…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Feels Like Home

My shopping addiction is no secret; however, it is still embarrassing when friends stop by to see the progress made…

6 years ago

Living Outside The Lines: Close Encounters Of The Bovine Kind

The state has more cattle than 43 other states have people. Not only does Texas hold a majority of the…

6 years ago

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