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Texas Rep. Zwiener Demands Special Session Following El Paso Shooting

Kyle, TX — State Representative Erin Zwiener is joining fellow legislators in demanding a special session be called to address gun violence and domestic terrorism in Texas following the El Paso shooting this past weekend that took 22 lives.

This comes after a legislative session during which House Democrats filed 48 bills related to meaningful gun safety reforms — and not one was passed.

“Since I decided to run for office in 2017, Texas has mourned the victims of three high profile mass shootings: Sutherland Springs, Santa Fe, and now El Paso; places where we worship, learn, and shop” said Rep. Zwiener. “We can’t wait until 2021 to address this issue. Texans are asking us to take action now.” 

The most recent shooting in El Paso is especially troubling because of reports that the shooter intentionally targeted a Mexican American community.

Rep. Zwiener is asking all Texas leaders to stand up against this kind of racist and xenophobic hate.

“Tejano and Mexican American culture is Texas culture,” said Rep. Zwiener. “We are a beautifully diverse state, and Texas would be far less dynamic without the cultural, economic, and political contributions of our Hispanic community.”

“We are not powerless,” Rep. Zwiener added. “We have the tools to reduce access to weapons of war, to prevent our children from being radicalized into domestic terrorists, to better identify and intervene with individuals who are high risk for mass violence. It’s time to act.”

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  • Sorry to interrupt Ms. Zweiner...but let's get clear on your double speak

    We are not powerless,” Rep. Zwiener added. “We have the tools to reduce access to weapons of war, to prevent our children from being radicalized into domestic terrorists, to better identify and intervene with individuals who are high risk for mass violence. It’s time to act.”

    1. You say you have the weapons required for grabbing the public's guns.

    2. You say children may be openly sexualized and trans-gendered--but not "radicalized"

    3. You say groups such as ANTIFA are not a "high risk for mass violence".

    4. You say "We are not powerless [and] It's time to act".

    So... just a reminder that You, aka "We" already have acted. The event horizon is literally scattered with the result of your willful choices imposed upon society. Enjoy.

  • Can't wait for the "Erin Zweiner--Mano Amiga" 2020 Presidential Ticket

    Motto: "Divide Locally---Think Globally" !!

  • “Tejano and Mexican American culture is Texas culture,” said Rep. Zwiener.

    I disagree Ms. Zweiner. What part of Mexico is not "Mexican"?

    Spain owned Mexico and Texas for 105 years before fleeing the continent

    Mexico next owned Texas for 22 years prior to throwing away their newly enacted constitution and resorting to dictatorship.

    Texas has owned Texas for 183 years. Texas culture is Texas culture. Safe and free. Period.
    Please stop the division, Ms. Zweiner. Things aren't funny anymore

  • Ms. Zweiner:

    After El Paso and Dayton, the world needs to reach out to men, not condemn them.

    Inasmuch as you're unwilling and unqualified to do so, at least stop making it worse.

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