The LIVESTRONG Foundation has selected Texas State University student James Lopez to serve as an intern for the fall semester.
James Lopez is studying to obtain a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering with a concentration in computer engineering and a minor in applied mathematics. As the web development intern position, Lopez will be creating web graphics, updating web pages, editing and working on various web-related requests.
Lopez ventured into his photography hobby a year ago. He started by first taking grad photos for his friends and has now expanded his portfolio with pictures of his travels. Lopez’s mentor at LIVESTRONG is helping him set up coding for his photography website.
The Foundation offers non-paid internships to students and recent graduates interested in gaining experience in a nonprofit setting. The fall intern class consists of interns from across the country. Interns work directly with an employee at the Foundation in the following areas: shared services, development and fundraising, programs, government relations and external affairs, and marketing. Interested applicants should complete an intern application at Applications for spring internships are currently being accepted. The deadline for the spring semester is Dec. 11, 2015.
About the LIVESTRONG Foundation The LIVESTRONG Foundation fights to improve the lives of people affected by cancer now. For 18 years, the Foundation has been a voice for cancer survivors and has directly served more than three million people. LIVESTRONG answers survivors’ questions, tells their stories and helps them live their lives through direct service, advocacy and inventive partnership models. In 2014, the Foundation launched its boldest enterprise yet—the LIVESTRONG Cancer Institutes at the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin. The Institutes will be a pioneering approach to patient-centered cancer care designed by survivors to deliver the best teaching practices and the greatest collaborative research to serve the cancer community.
For more information about LIVESTRONG programs and services, please visit