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Brand Association- Associate your brand with a reliable & trusted local news source. A recent study from PEW Research confirms that ads on news websites outperform ads that run on social media, online ad networks, and in print/newspapers.

24/7 Consumer Access To Your Brand- Online advertising allows consumers to engage with your business, products, and services around the clock. You will never miss a minute of a sales opportunity with digital advertising.

Target Your Target Market- Create a custom digital marketing campaign & reach your customer base or niche audience with page sponsorships, or our daily news email sponsorship.

For questions, you can reach out to us at or 512-787-3501.

Want to Know the Circulation Numbers for Other Local Print Newspapers? Wait No Longer!

Every year in September, print newspapers all over the country are required to file a report certifying their daily ¹Circulation with the U.S. Postal Service.

You might be asking yourself why. 

Print newspapers not only deliver newspapers locally, they are now delivering digitally as we do, but they mail out copies to people or entities around the world as well.

The federal government also requires them to print this report at least once, and within a certain time period after the filing date.

We pull these reports annually so you don’t have to, and are supplied here as a public service for your review.

When digital news outlets approach a business to discuss marketing and advertising, most businesses request to see our traffic numbers and most specifically request ²Our Google Analytics Reports that show our traffic (circulation) numbers and demographics. Those business owners or media buyers want to know what they are getting for their investment, and we don’t blame them.

But they should also get the same information from other local print newspapers, but most don’t know how or if they can…..but we do.

¹A newspaper’s circulation is the number of copies it distributes on an average day. Circulation is not always the same as copies sold, often called paid circulation or paid subscribers, as newspapers will give several copies away for free and save several for their own archive systems on a daily basis.

²You can find “Our Google Analytics” including specific demographic information on the Advertise page.

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