Gary Job Corps’s Management Firm Loses Contract, Under Investigation For Health & Safety Issues

A plastic tote covered exposed electrical wires on the floor, bugs and rat feces throughout the clinic and an overall “deteriorating and poor condition” of the health facility itself.

By, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor

In June 2017, the Department of Labor launched an investigation into the Gary Job Corps Center (GJCC) in San Marcos.

Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people, ages 16 to 24, improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. It was created in 1964 during President Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration.

Built in 1965, the GJCC in San Marcos is the largest job corps center in the United States.

In May of 2017, a former contracted employee filed a complaint with the department of labor for contract fraud and violations. The complaint was filed under 41 U.S.C. 4705, sections 3.901 through 3.906, which grants whistleblower protections to employees of contractors, subcontractors, grantee or subgrantee or personal services contractor.

41 U.S.C. 4705

An employee of a contractor, subcontractor, grantee, or subgrantee or personal services contractor may not be discharged, demoted, or otherwise discriminated against as a reprisal for disclosing to a person or body described in paragraph (2) information that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of gross mismanagement of a Federal contract or grant, a gross waste of Federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a Federal contract or grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal contract (including the competition for or negotiation of a contract) or grant.

The complainant reported Gary Job Corps Human Resources and administration had fired him for being a whistleblower on the condition of the center’s dental health clinic.

During an audit, he reported the facility lacked not only the equipment needed but was not up to health and building code standards itself.

The complainant began working for GJCC on July 18, 2016. According to his complaint, he identified “serious deficiencies in the dental diagnostic equipment at the facility.”

The dental clinic at GJCC lacked a Bite-wing x-ray machine, which is used by dentists to diagnose decay and bony pathologies, within 15 days of his employment. The machine also helps with the detection and treatment of root canal therapy, cysts and tumors.

While the clinic did possess a panoramic x-ray machine, it was inoperable for 10 weeks out of the 2 years it had been in operation at the clinic. However, it was not sufficient to diagnosis all of the dental health issues students at Gary Job Corps were experiencing.

The complainant described the clinic lacked sinks for employees to wash their hands before, during and after dental procedures or exams. A plastic tote covered exposed electrical wires on the floor, bugs and rat feces throughout the clinic and an overall “deteriorating and poor condition” of the health facility itself.

Without the equipment, the complainant reported he could not fulfill the requirements of his employment contract with MTC, thus being out of compliance with the Texas Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) Licensee Rules and Regulations. The lack of the necessary equipment also made the clinic uncompliant with the center’s Policy and Requirements Handbook 6.10, R2.

According to the complainant, MTC and the Health and Wellness Administrator, Brenda Brooks, ignored requests to purchase the necessary x-ray machine and to correct the additional health and safety issues reported by the complainant.

In January 2017, Gary Job Corps Center was visited by a federal assessor/inspector. The inspector received a report detailing the deficiencies at the center’s health clinic.

After the report was filed, the complainant said he was interrupted in the middle of a dental procedure for a meeting with the Job Corps Center Director, Lonnie Hall, to discuss the complainant’s concerns for the clinic and his patients. Following the 45-minute meeting, he was taken over to HR and officially terminated.

The termination papers were signed and dated two days before the complainant was actually terminated.

“This story is another example of corporate greed and profits taking a front seat to the actual mission of government programs, like Job Corps,” said Brandon Barnes, Fowler Law Firm, P.C., the complainant’s attorney. “Just the same as the private prison epidemic and other instances of public money being squandered or wasted by corporate masters, the same is true with the Job Corps program and MTC’s administration of the Gary Job Corps Center.”

Within 30 days of the complaint’s filing, the DOL informed him that they were launching an investigation with the Department of Labor Office of Investigations (OIG). Within 60-90 days, investigators had already interviewed the complainant and issued subpoenas.

Once an investigation has begun, the DOL has 180 days to complete it. Prior to the deadline, the DOL requested an additional 180 days to complete their investigation. The investigation had expanded from the health clinic to the rest of the facility.

The DOL contracts operations of the job corps center to third-party management companies. Currently, MTC is under contract to manage the facility. In April of 2017, MTC received a one year contract to continue operating GJCC. The solicitation, offer and reward amount was $10.1 million. 

Correction: Corridor News has recently received new information to correct or clarify some information. According to the Department of Labor spokesperson, “Contracts may not be for more than a two-year period, with options to renew the agreement on an annual basis, for not more than three additional years.”

However, on October 20, 2017, Adams And Associates, Inc. was awarded the contract to take over operations management of the center. The new contract is a five-year agreement for $14.6 to $43.7 million per year; the DoL has set a minimum budget of $73.2 million and a maximum budget of $218.5 million for the full five years.

The difference in the amount are the options given by the Department of Labor that could be exercised by the contractor. The contract will start on July 1, 2018, and will end on June 30, 2023.

“This is a big deal, but I think the majority of the local community has no clue what Job Corps is, or what goes on out there,” complainant Graham Shea, D.D.S, said. “The people of San Marcos and Hays County might think after reading this article that I am gold digging, and I was angling for the opportunity just as the law changed. Yes…yay for me!!! But that is not the basis of my claim. That basis will always remain the corrupted, unethical actions, and illegality of MTC’s management of the Gary JCC.”

MTC said the company could not comment on the investigation.

Below are all the facilities that MTC manages in Texas per their website.

MTC Texas Correctional & Treatment Facilities (Male & Female)

  • Billy Moore Correctional Center (513) ACA, CEA, PREA
  • Bridgeport Correctional Center (524) ACA, CEA, PREA
  • Cleveland Correctional Center (529) PREA
  • Diboll Correctional Center (528) ACA, CEA, PREA
  • East Texas Treatment Facility (2,320) ACA, CEA, PREA
  • Kyle Correctional Facility (524) ACA, CEA, PREA
  • Lockhart Correctional Facility (1,018)
  • Sanders Estes Unit (1,049) ACA, CEA, PREA
  • Bradshaw State Jail (1,980)
  • Lindsey State Jail (1,031)

Texas Transitioning Facilities

  • IAH Detention Center (TX) (1,061) ACA

Texas Job Corps Center

  • Texas: Gary (1,471)

MTC Healthcare – Offenders and Detainees

Over the last year or so, the Job Corps program has been under scrutiny around the United States. Below is a list of articles on issues at other Job Corps centers or lawsuits against MTC and other companies.



View Comments

  • The other thing to look at is weather the center is a contract center or is one of the federal centers run by DOL and The Forest Service

  • I went to Gary back in 2009, and might I say it all makes sense now. They were ran as a correctional facility but called themselves a technical school. No wonder the place felt like a prison.

  • The Dept of Labor and other authorities might want to take a closer look at the Lockhart prison facility as well. This facility is also contracted to MTC. In my opinion there are a few illegal policies that they have put in place. One example is MTC bullied their officers to sign and agree to the policy of not reporting rape or sexual misconduct of the inmates because it was female on female. If they did not sign, they were threatened with the loss of their job. Rape is rape no matter of the sex of the individual. MTC should be shut down and not allowed to operate especially here in Texas.

    • Thank you Anonymous,

      This was one of the reasons we published the entire list of Management & Training Corporation's Texas run facilities. We want our readers to know there could be an MTC managed facility in their own backyard.

      However, the situation you mentioned seems more dire.

      Could this be a prevalent pattern that extends to other cities and states?

      Thank you for reading,
      Your Corridor News Staff

    • One alarming fact in my employment with MTC/Gary is new hires in my orientation group were told we were to NOT call 9-1-1 in the event of a medical or law enforcement emergency. This was reiterated in staff meetings by Administration. We were to call Gary Job Corps Security via the internal, on-campus number ONLY! It would be solely up to Security to triage the situation and use their discretion to call EMS or Law Enforcement.

      I instructed my staff that if any student, staff, visitor, or lay person who experienced a medical need which was beyond the management capability of our clinic, or if danger existed to any person requiring law enforcement, call 911!! Gary Security gets called afterward, and can deal with their control issues with me personally. My license dictates I treat per the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners Community Standard of Care. And there is an ethical need to just do the right thing...which is clearly not MTC's policy.

      • I wanted to add to Anonymous: thank you for speaking out here. One thing that seems to be common among facilities run by MTC is their enacting policies which run counter to "if you see something, say something." MTC exercises employment control through fear and intimidation, and has something to hide, to not let the lay public learn about their facilities. Gary Job Corps was run like a penal institution with a guard gate that refused access to anyone who did not have access via permission granted through the Center Director. Media, family or friends of students could not gain access, but had to remain in a public parking lot out by Airport Road. Students could not leave without a pass, and had to be escorted to the gate for their dismissal from the campus. I understand security in the name of safety, but these policies were the culture under which all employees worked as well. No, employees did not need permission to leave the facility, but our cars were randomly searched upon entry by unqualified, non-law enforcement Gary Job Corps/MTC Security personnel.

        I say all this because unless employees at Lockhart Correctional Center, and Kyle Correctional Center, stand up and speak out to authorities above their manager, or speak out to Texas Department of Criminal Justice managers, they run the risk of being wrongfully terminated because of not following MTC's illegal and inappropriate rules. This is MTC's modus operandi - be careful, but be brave.

      • That is so true. I worked for job corps for many years and they tried to write me up for calling 911 because a student was hitting me. It is good that mtc loses another another center.

      • I worked at Gary for a few years up until 2016. I am aware of this policy too and was really suspicious of it at first. However, I learned quickly that the students would use landline phones and call 911 as a prank. They did it often, and because the phone were in communal areas, they were not held accountable. Many outside agencies (not speaking for 911 because I don't know) would not act on calls from the Center until they could be validated.

  • The current state of affairs at Gary Job Corps is chaotic at best. Adams & Associates was awarded the contract only to have MTC get an appeal and have Adams & Associates vacate the premises. Some employees already had new job offers, only to have to revert back to MTC. Moral is low, both with staff and students with staff questioning whether or not they will be retained on a daily basis. Currently MTC has a two month extension at Gary, and it will be re evaluated at that time. Ultimately the staff cannot provide the quality services the students require with this level of stress. It is a timely opportunity for the Dept of Labor to take a good look and fix what is broken.

  • I would also like to add the amount of buddy buddy favoritism and collusion is hiding in plain sight. In certain areas of trades if you are friends with the manager and have lunch and have after work social time, chances are you will be chosen to delegate assignments to more qualified staff, and get elevated to a leadership role, even though complaints have been filed against the individual. Sadly it is a continual pattern that will not end until voices are finally heard. Hopefully if new management comes in they can make a difference.

  • I would venture to guess more people are not outraged at the malfeasance in the operation of Gary Job Corps because they don't know about it. Historically, local and regional media has been remiss in investigating and researching the activities at Gary, and it is necessary that this coverage has been undertaken. Because the news of what goes on out there has been silent, no one in our community knows. The less they know, the less they care. As long as it is rosy, peachy good news about Gary, spoon fed by carefully orchestrated internal press releases by Gary/MTC, people in the community, including city, county, and state individuals with power to change the status quo, will never know what is going on. It will take people hearing of this, getting involved, and speaking up. We all need to know, from inside the walls of Gary, what is happening. Then, and only then, will people demand change and prudent use of their tax monies. Again, thank you SM Corridor News for being the one to print the dirt.

    • Graham,

      You don't have to thank us for doing our job..... It's news and that is why we are here.

      Melissa Jewett
      San Marcos Corridor News

        • Hello Anonymous,

          Wonderful! And I apologize for the delayed response. We attempted to contact you via your provided email and received an error response. If you are still open to talking with us and sharing your story, please reach out to us directly via email

  • I was an employee as well and when I spoke up about all that was going on, I was treated with disrespect, HR lied to cover up incidences that occurred in regards to current staff. They even told me that you could work under a manager and be kin, as long as you were not related by blood. WHAT? You can also be a man and touch and rub a minor, steal, move a student into your apartment, have relations with other staff members, be a manager and lie about your credentials, take students to dinner, or push a student into a wall and STILL have a job. They just move you out of that dorm and into another dorm. You also can leave a dorm unsupervised for hours at night (with students statements) and still have a job. Especially if that manager is involved with that she add. BUT, if you open your mouth ABOUT THE INCUDENT, they will blackball you and try to fire you. I got screamed at during an incident because they thought I called 911. A student sat in a cold parking lot screaming to the top of her lungs for 45 minutes, I was present, while waiting to be picked up by security. She was vomiting all over the place and doubled over in pain. A student called 911 and all they were worried about was, trying to find out who called 911 and they kept saying, they were not going to pay for it. The student was transported to the hospital with liver disease and was in severe pain. They refused to allow anyone to go with her to the hospital. I was displined for this and I really don’t know why. When I reveled an issue about a manager with an associate degree, oh, this employee told me he was working ibschrkors degree, they gave me a NOC, staying I would be terminated if I spoke about it again. This employee was concerned because the new contractors , Adams and Associates required the residential manager to have a masters degree. He again told me that he was working in his bachelors degree. There evidence if his credit uses on public media. After I received a NOC, I was bombarded with ugly emails and harassed until I couldn’t take it anymore. I left Gary Job Corps after 1.8 years. During which I was harassed, and disrespected through out the 1.8 years. When DOL came, they lied, the dorms have holes, mice, mold, rotting ceilings, asbestos, broken furniture, holes in the walls, staff going into students closets and stealing, a lot more defiencies, way to many to list. Students are using drugs, selling drugs, fighting, and much more. The facility covers it up. I’ve been with Job Corps for 8 years and was appalled by what I saw at Gary Job Coros and how I was mistreated, just for voicing my concerns. I have pictures, statements and emails of all of this. They now are trying to blame me for things that are happening, when in fact, it was was that way when I arrived. If I feel disrespected, then how are these kids feeling. The funny thing is, if you do something wrong and are kin to the upper management, they just move you to another position, but if you are new and speak up about what is happening and what you see, then they try and fire you, while treating you unprofessionally. There are husbands and wives working under each other, which is a conflict if interest, but they will cover that up, as they do everything else. It’s sad and hurts me to think that a facility can be so unethical and racist. I’m currently putting together all my documents and will be looking for an attorney as well. SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP THE UNETHICAL THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON AT GARY BEFORE SOMEONE GETS HURT OR DIES. When the students do some if the things that staff do, they get terminated, but if your in that circle, staff just get moved. I would gladly speak to you and show you documentation if you would like. This need to be stopped. Oh, there are staff that sell items to these students and have been for years, they have been covering that up too. This staff is still working and selling stuff to the students. I have plenty of people who will back this information up.
    Cudos to the doctor.

    • Anonymous, your accounting of your period of employment at Gary JCC is significant, especially since you have worked for Job Corps at other Centers prior to Gary. That give the observations you have made, and the experiences you have had, perspective. The someone who needs to step up and effect change at Gary has to come from levels above just the next step in Job Corps Administration. It needs to come from Congressional involvement, law enforcement involvement (for the drugs, assaults, theft, sexual assaults of minors), and the lay public learning of this garbage going on right under their noses, all while MTC and Job Corps Administrators are exposed for looking the other way. The hypocrisy of helping the poorer segments of society to become productive citizens, while the operation of the Job Corps Center remains steeped in corruption, illegal activities, and perpetuated gang culture - for profit!!! - is the very thing that needs to stop. I am tired of my tax money being wasted, and filling the pockets of private management corporations pretending to give a s***!!!!

      Write to your Congressman in your district, and to both US Senators for the State of Texas: Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. They need to hear it, too!!!

      Thank you for your tell someone else and run it up the flagpole - kids' live depend on the corruption stopping!!

    • Gina Mickleson shut the hell up you did a lot of dirt too by having sexual relations with other staff and being the middle of malicious gossip! Just shut up but I have an attorney for you! You are a nasty person!

  • Anonymous, please consider contacting my attorney, as he is up-to-speed on Job Corps history, past legal issues, documented issues in other Job Corps Centers, and current status of Gary Job Corps. He would be good to at least meet with and discuss your concerns, data and evidence, and personal accounting of issues you experienced. This perspective is very important in getting the justice necessary for employees, students, and the taxpayers! Gary has cancer and has spread to all areas of the organisation. It's time for hospice!! Reread the article for his name...if you like. I'd be happy to discuss...

    • My name is Tiffany Farnell and I was employed with Gary Job Corps for four years! You are absolutely right on what you have said. That place is a down right stressful! I was given the opportunity to become a Residential Advisor after I graduated the program! During my time as a student I l was in a relationship with another student. Once I graduated the program and my spouse graduated the program I continued my relationship! I never crossed any of MTC guidelines with any current students while I was staff but was harassed by one of the worst managers that ever step foot on that campus. Her name is Gina Mickleson, she lied on me stating that I had a current student living with me! She went as far as going to my co workers to find out who my spouse was, taking pictures off of my personal social media pages etc. it was so stressful I resigned from my position and I send HR a email with her cc on it about the harassment which I have talked to an attorney about that! She smoked cigarettes on campus, she flirted with male staff and students in front of myself and other staff. She is a theif, came to work smelling like alcohol and the list goes on! She used her position to intimidate Residential staff along with the prime shift supervisor! If I called in I was yelled at and talk down to. Not only that I informed my attorney that she and other managers/supervisors were discussing my medical issues which is a hippa violation ( Thank God I have that documentation in writing). The former deputy director Mrs Matthews was the same way she used her title to intimidate, I was trying to hold a student accountable and she would NOT give staff the opportunity to inform her on the student actions. I was pushed in a corner, caught minors having sex with adults, caught a student with a large amount of marijuana none of those students were held accountable! The gossip in the department is horrible and all around center!! There was a staff on night that spread bad rumors about be that were NOT true! Crystal Manjang and James Williams to name a few. The dorms have mold, every time it rained water will come through the wall, ants all over the bed, mice throughout the dorm and in staff housing. There are staff that are on drugs pain killers and marijuana to be exact! No staff was allowed to call 911, the CDO are rude and will hang up on you! There is so much more but I am glad a new contractor is taking over to put qualified people in these positions! So many unqualified staff are in there high positions working out of their feelings instead of following the rules out of the book! I’m sure this comment will be spread across Gary and I do NOT MIND!


      • Hi my name is Raquel Dejesu. I was employed with Gary Job corps for 5 months. I was a hard worker who did double shifts and helped out whenever I could. However, upper management never did their JOBS. When I would have issues with students their favorite line was “PUT IN A CASE NOTE”. I would try mediate certain students and certain situations but as always we were cursed out. Did anything happen to the students ? NO!!!!!! When I was working prime shift one day and It was lights out, I went around instructed all female students in 5105 to please turn off the lights. The students ignored my request and became defiant and disrespectful to me. When it became too much after I called the prime shift supervisor Ms. McGarity it was oh just put a case note and send an email. The situation became intense when the female students attempted to come to my office to run towards me and as anyone would do. I attempt to defend myself by standing up to the students because I one from upper management had arrived to 5105. What makes me super upset is that I also called the Manger and. Shitty Pitts and she said the same thing please out a case note and send an email. About a week or two later I had a meeting with Mrs.Lopez and was told I would only work in Male forms until most of the females from 5105 graduated. One day I had just arrived to briefing ready to work and all of a sudden I was told I need to go down to HR for a meeting. Hmm I was thinking what happened??? Soon as I arrived I found HR staff MS. Michelle on campus Ms. Ullman.

        Once I sat down I was instructed by Michelle that I was terminated and that they did not need to answer any questions because I was under 6 months of being there. I said ok went home packed my stuff and within 3 days I flew back to Miami. But what hasn’t gotten under my skin and I also contacted an attorney after I learned that there were rumors and supposedly a video of me having sex with a student. Those malicious rumors degraded my character.

        I am so glad MTC has lost the contract and May the new contractor do it’s part.

      • At Tiffany Farnell how do you know that other staff including night staff was talking about you. Some of the night staff that you mentioned didn’t even say a word about you when they have nothing against you. From what i heard You was one of the main ones taking two hour lunch breaks and leaving work early and you smoking dope while living next to the supervisor

  • UPDATE: the situation of Gary Job Corps is critical. Staff quitting staff being fired, substitutes being pulled from other trades with no regard for those students. Students attempt to voice their concerns be a petition and letters to the director only to be told they will be terminated if those are submitted. Students are suffering because substitutes do not have a curriculum to teach and the students basically stay on their phones all day. This is not the instructors fault, and management keeps telling us they are fixing it. The head of human resources has left and there is no solution insight other than Adams and Associates getting in here as soon as possible. Management takes a blind eye and thinks the students do not feel or affected by this and they are. As a current employee I am asked constantly with the status is. I have been specifically told by my management not to talk about it with the students. Programs are getting cut, and morale is so low. Miss Rivers, feel free to contact me for the full Inside Story. While I fear for my job if me remaining Anonymous will be an option but I am open for discussion. Something must be done, students and staff are suffering and nothing is being done about it.

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