San Marcos City Council To Spend Millions During Tonight’s Meeting

Once again, the San Marcos City Council to spend millions, over $3.22 million during Tuesday’s meeting

The San Marcos City Council will be spending over 3.2 million on Tuesday. Here is a quick rundown of items that are being funded by your tax dollars.

  1. The purchase of radar equipment for 44 police patrol vehicles for the Police Department in the amount of $98,576
  2. Law enforcement equipment for fourteen new Ford Police Utility Interceptor vehicles in the amount of $180,618.57
  3. Sensus Water Meters in the amount of $2,388,261
  4. Surface Water Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems in the amount of $174,279.82
  5. Cost for the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) to construct a high voltage bus extension necessary for LCRA to provide electric transmission power to a new transformer at the Hilltop Substation in the amount of $75,255
  6. Professional engineering services in connection with the Primrose Way Water Project in the not-to-exceed amount of $69,978
  7. Oracle Software License update and four years of associated support for the City’s Metersense application from Mythics Inc. in the total amount of $237,030.12
  • Totaling $3,223,998.51

Below are three additional items to keep your eye on this week.

Item 1.  —  3. Discussion Item – Receive an update from the Interim City Manager regarding the storm event that occurred on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, and provide direction to Staff.

Item 1.  —  23. Ordinance – Consider approval of Ordinance 2017-21, on the first of two readings, amending Chapter 58 of the San Marcos City Code regarding Public Facilities, Parks and Recreation by eliminating the requirement of a verbal warning before issuance of citations for public display or consumption of alcoholic beverages in city parks, prohibiting charcoal grills in city parks, and limiting the use of shelters or tents in city parks; providing a savings clause; providing for the repeal of any conflicting provisions; and providing an effective date.

Item 1.  —  26. Resolution – Consider approval of Resolution 2017-77R, establishing a policy regarding Mobile License Plate Recognition (MLPR) Data Privacy; authorizing the Interim City Manager or his designee to take such measures as necessary to implement said policy; and declaring an effective date.

If you prefer to read the standard meeting agenda click here.

NOTE: If you would like to read additional information on these items, click on the highlighted blue corresponding item numbers in the PDF agenda, which will take you to a COSM web page with link(s) to the specifics of the item.

San Marcos City Council Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, April 18, 2017

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