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San Marcos P&Z To Hold Five Public Hearings Including Two CUP Requests

Staff Reports

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will meet tonight to hold five public hearings.

Commissioners will hold three public hearings to consider the approval of Qualified Watershed Protection Plan Phase 2.

The first public hearing will consider approval of a request by the Brownstone Group, Inc. for approval of a Qualified Watershed Protection Plan Phase 2 for lot 1A, Block C of the Blanco Riverwalk Subdivision.

The property is located at the corner of Cotter and Riverway Avenues and is zoned MF-24.

The proposed project for the property consists of constructing an apartment complex; the site is inundated by the 100-year floodplain and includes a water quality zone, according to the agenda.

Staff reports the site is a Qualified WPP2 because there is a reclamation of floodplain and water quality zone. The project permit began prior to the 2018 code update and is subject to the old code requirements.

The agenda states the proposed project meets the requirements of the Environmental Chapter of the Land Development Code.

However, it does not meet the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance; the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance requires the developer to provide a hydraulic analysis showing no-rise in the floodplain or rise contained within a drainage easement, which the developer’s engineer is still in the process of providing to the city.

All other requirements of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance have been met.

Commissioners will also hold a public hearing and consider a request by “TFG San Marcos SC, LP for approval of a Qualified Watershed Protection Plan Phase 2.”

The property is located at 2540 S. IH 35 and zoned General Commercial. The proposed project consists of regrading to produce developable pad sites outside the 100-year floodplain.

The project is subjected to the previous development code requirements due to the permit process being started prior to the new code’s passage in 2018.   

According to the agenda, the project meets the requirements of the Environmental Chapter of the Land Development Code and the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.

A public hearing will be held on San Marcos IH 35, LLC’s request for approval of a Qualified Watershed Protection Plan Phase 2.

The property is located at 2805 N. IH 35 and is zoned light industrial. The proposed project involves adding fill to the site and is subject to the Land Development Code prior to those passed in 2018.

According to the agenda, the project meets the requirements of the Environmental Chapter of the Land Development Code and the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.

Following the public hearing on qualified watershed protection plans, the commissioners will hold two public hearings on potential Conditional Use Permits.

Hopdoddy Burger Bar has submitted a request for the sale of mixed beverages for on premise consumption.

The bar is located at 200 Springtown Way Suite 100 at the center of the Springtown Shopping Center. It is proposed to be a ground floor restaurant.

Springtown Shopping Center is a proposed mixed-use development with a commercial ground floor and several floors of residential above.

The hours of operation are proposed to be 11 AM to 10 PM Monday thru Sunday.

Finally, a public hearing will be held regarding a CUP to allow for 24 multifamily apartments with a limit of 24 units per acre within the limits of the Stonecreek PDD will be held.

The development of the property is governed by a PDD approved in 2008 with a base zoning of Mixed Use and General Commercial.

According to the agenda, “the majority of the lots within the Stonecreek PDD have been developed as retail or restaurant uses, and two hotels have been built. In both the PDD and the Land Development Code, multifamily development within a General Commercial zoning district requires a Conditional Use Permit. This is not a request for Purpose Built Student Oriented Housing.”

Planning and Zoning Commission’s meeting will convene in the San Marcos City Council Chambers at City Hall at 6 PM.


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