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EXCLUSIVE: Wimberley Mayor Joins HEB Discussion ‘Will Stand With H-E-B Any Day & Be Proud’

Dear San Marcos Corridor News Readers,

For the past 7 plus years I have in one capacity or another have served as an elected official here in Wimberley. In this course of time I have made hundreds of votes that have and will continue to shape the present day and far into the future the look and real presence of this community.


In the Fall of 2012 H-E-B came to Wimberley and talks of building a store here locally moved from possible to real.


By January of 2013 it was time to decide, the furry, the back and forth of “our community” had all been written pictured and verbalized.


All the while I remained committed to my voting NO for this store, aligned with me were two other strong opponents, so it was just not going to happen.


I felt I was doing the right thing for my community trying to preserve us from growth and preserve the so often vaunted Wimberley look.


Finally, when all the discussion and public comments were exhausted and the clock was run out, only one step remained and that was to simply vote and be done with it.


We had taken 2 breaks during the evening, at each one I had talked with the team [Ben Scott/Leslie Sweet leading the H-E-B effort. I knew their feelings and had long heard they’re promises. As the vote came to me it was exactly as forecast in individual votes and it was a 2/2 position.


My mind was filled with the pictures and rhetoric from all the meetings leading to this time. In the political jargon of past, most simply, I “flipped” my position and voted to bring or allow the new store to come to Wimberley.


Of all the past times and votes I have made that effect Wimberley, this vote is the most significant in every respect. I am very proud of H-E-B, in every respect they have over achieved on what they said or promised.


They have over spent on the design, the design, real construction and the landscaping. And I can’t begin to recount the ways they have over achieved on being a terrific community partner. H-E-B has done nothing but busted their tails to become a critical part of the core Wimberley fabric.


These core values H-E-B brings and espouses are central to their very existence. H-E-B told the truth and then over delivered in multiple ways, and keeps on doing this every single day.


The Wimberley community is better for having a partner like H-E-B and I will stand with H-E-B any day and be proud.


Respectfully:  mac/mc Wimberley Mayor 


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  1. How nice for Wimberley but Wimberley isn’t San Marcos. Our needs and concerns are different. Our values may be different and our histories’ are certainly different. If you took the time to study the issue’s specific to San Marcos and this ill conceived development you too would come to the same conclusion that this development will only hurt the citizens of San Marcos.

    1. Mr. Hernandez,

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

      I would like to respectfully disagree with you to to a certain extent.

      Wimberley knows even more then us on what it’s like to to deal with flooding and and keeping their river pristine. SM Corridor News spent several days in Wimberley immediately following the Memorial Day Floods….and it was horrific.

      But we certainly have more traffic and a larger population to deal with.

      I don’t know about you, but I would starve my family rather then having to drive to a HEB on the corner of McCarty if it was during the months of November and December, an especially during Black Friday weekend and out Tax Free weekends.

      So, in reality, Wimberley truly isn’t that different from us.

  2. What in the world has the grocery store in Wimberley have to do with the grocery store in San Marcos? Right. Nothing.

    I have NO IDEA what this situation is about, and neither does the Wimberley Mayor.

  3. Well, Staff, whomever you are should take better care of your family. Letting your family starve because you’re just too lazy is just bad and possibly CPS warranted? But you must not be from around here or have forgotten our history in San Marcos concerning flooding and our river. To say that Wimberley and San Marcos are the same is like saying that kimchee and sauerkraut are the same things. Sure cabbage is involved but they a quite literally worlds apart.

  4. Obviously you haven’t been on McCarty lately. There’s an overpass and street lights. Black Friday would not affect traffic at that location.

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