UPDATED: Hays County Receives Latest Weekly Shipment of Vaccines, Sets Date To Open Registration
Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Hays County officials held the first COVID-19 vaccine clinic today, which they said went as smoothly as possible given the myriad challenges. Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra said with the anticipated shipment of another batch of doses from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the County is set to open the next round of appointment scheduling later this week.
“While things are still fluid and could change,” he said, “the next opportunity to make an appointment is this Friday, Jan. 29. Residents can go to haysinformed.com.”
Those who don’t have internet access/a smartphone can call 512-938-1650. Becerra urges residents who have internet access to use the portal and allow the phone line to remain open for those who truly need it.
Anyone who qualifies under the Phase 1A and 1B criteria per DSHS will be able to use the online portal or phone number to make an appointment. Both the portal and phone will go live Friday at noon.
IMPORTANT: No one will answer the phone and the portal will not be active prior to that time.
Becerra added that Hays County is also now using a text alert system to notify residents of important COVID-related information.
“By signing up, you will know what’s happening and when future rounds of vaccine appointments will open,” he said.
Text COVID to 844-928-3213 to sign up for the alerts. Please note, that number will not put anyone’s name on a registration list; it is means of receiving updates and alerts about COVID-related information. Hays County does not have a sign-up list for vaccines.
Becerra reiterated that the initial rollout phase for Hays County is constrained due to limited vaccine quantity and a demand that far exceeds supply.
“We anticipate more shipments of vaccine doses in the coming weeks, which will help,” he said.
Health Department Director Tammy Crumley said that with only another 1,950 doses expected, she is asking Hays County residents to be patient until more vaccine shipments arrive.
“As a hub, we are looking forward to offering more vaccines,” Crumley said. “The reality of the situation is, we have very limited supply.”
She said the health department reminds the public to continue practicing COVID-19 safety precautions including regular hand washing and wearing masks. Health experts also recommend avoiding gatherings with people who are not in your household.
Emergency Operations Director Mike Jones said vaccines will be distributed by appointment only for the foreseeable future.
“We will only accept appointments and are asking the public to not show up at a location without one,” he said. “We’re also asking for the public’s help in ensuring we strictly follow the protocols in place.”
NOTE* See the full list of Texas vaccine locations for the week of January 25, 2021 – Week 7.
Evidence Used To Update The List Of Underlying Medical Conditions That Increase A Person’s Risk Of Severe Illness From COVID-19
Updates to the list of underlying medical conditions that put adults of any age at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19 were based on published reports, articles in the press, unreviewed pre-prints, and internal data available between December 1, 2019, and October 16, 2020*.
This list is a living document that will be periodically updated by CDC, and it could rapidly change as the science evolves.
Severe illness from COVID-19 is defined as hospitalization, admission to the ICU, intubation or mechanical ventilation, or death.
The level of evidence for each condition was determined by CDC reviewers based on available information about COVID-19.
Conditions were added to the list (if not already on the previous underlying medical conditions list [originally released in March 2020]) if evidence for an association with severe illness from COVID-19 met any of the following criteria:
- Strongest and most consistent evidence
Defined as consistent evidence from multiple small studies or a strong association from a large study, - Mixed evidence
Defined as multiple studies that reached different conclusions about the risk associated with a condition, or - Limited evidence
Defined as consistent evidence from a small number of studies.
Qualifiers to previously listed conditions were added or removed if there was strong evidence to support that the condition be expanded.
Conditions previously listed were to be removed if there was strong and consistent evidence demonstrating no association with severe outcomes.
Based on this criterion, no conditions were removed from the previous underlying medical conditions list dated March 2020; however, in this most recent update in November 2020, pregnancy was moved from “mixed evidence” to “strong evidence.”
*Updates to smoking were based on evidence available between December 1, 2019, and July 20, 2020.
Level of Evidence | Condition | Evidence of Impact on COVID-19 Severity |
Strongest and Most Consistent Evidence | Cancer | Systematic Review [6] Cohort Study [7,8] Case Series [9] |
Chronic kidney disease | Case Series [10, 11, 12] Cohort Studies [13, 14, 15] |
COPD | Meta Analyses [4, 16] Case Series [17] Cohort Study [14] |
Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies | Cohort Study [1, 2] Meta Analyses [3, 4] Case Series [5] |
Obesity (BMI> 30 kg/m2) | Cohort Studies [18, 19, 20, 21, 22] Cross-sectional [23] |
Severe Obesity (BMI ? 40 kg/m2) | Cohort Study [98, 99] Cross-Sectional Study [95] Meta Analysis [107] |
Pregnancy | Systematic Review [54, 116] Case Control Study [55] Case Series [56, 57, 58, 59] Cohort Study [60, 61, 62, 117] |
Sickle cell disease | Case Series [24, 25, 26, 27, 28] | |
Smoking | Meta Analyses [3, 16*, 63, 64, 65, 66, 101, 102, 104, 105] | |
Solid-organ transplantation | Case Series [12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34] Meta Analysis [100] |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus | Case Series [11] Longitudinal Study [35] Cohort Study [36, 37] Meta Analysis [38] Cross-Sectional Study [114] |
*Methodological issues found by other authors; re-analyzed by Guo [64] and an association finding risk factor for greater severity was found.