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SM City Council To Consider Allocation Of $25 Million CDBG-DR Funds

San Marcos City Council will consider approving the allocation of the City’s $25 million Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding during the Tuesday, Aug. 2 City Council meeting. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 630 E. Hopkins.


The funding allocation will be included in the City’s CDBG-DR Action Plan in categories identified by HUD for disaster recovery: housing, infrastructure, planning, and administration.


Staff and the City’s consultants AECOM provided City Council with recommendations based on the City’s CDBG-DR Needs Assessment, which is also required by HUD. The Needs Assessment is created using data from the City, federal agencies including FEMA and the SBA, and public input from citizens through the town hall meetings and the City’s CDBG-DR Needs Assessment Task Force.


The City previously discussed the allocation during a special City Council workshop on July 25.  Since that time, staff and the City’s consultants AECOM have provided City Council with new data and is requesting the formal adoption of the allocations.


City Council will also discuss the priorities for the use of CDBG-DR funding and authorize the City Manager to act as the Official Representative of the City in matters related to the CDBG-DR Program and Action Plan.


The Action Plan is expected to be complete by Aug. 18, and a 14-day public comment period will be held before the Action Plan is finalized and submitted to HUD.  The Action Plan must be submitted to HUD within 90 days after the Federal Register notice, which was published on June 17.


More information about the CDBG- DR process and the Action Plan can be found at www.smtxfloodrecovery.com .

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