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Update: San Marcos Suffers Flash Flood Damage; Residents Asked to Report Storm Damage

Residents who received damage in Tuesday’s storm are asked to report any damage their property received to the City at www.sanmarcostx.gov/reportstormdamage.

The link goes to a survey that is a joint effort between the City and Hays County to gather information on storm damage.

The survey is also available at Hays County’s emergency management website at www.haysinformed.com by selecting “Report Storm Damage” under “Emergency Links.”

The storms damaged the San Marcos Public Library and stranded motorists caught in flooded roadways Tuesday afternoon.

The storm swept through San Marcos around 12 p.m. April 11 bringing several inches of rain, 70 mph wind gusts and pea-sized hail.

The Blanco and San Marcos Rivers did not go into flood stage, and no neighborhood evacuations were ordered.

Effects of the storm include:

  • So far, three homes have been reported to the City as having received water damage inside. City staff members understand there are more and are seeking confirmation of the additional damage, which can be entered at www.sanmarcostx.gov/reportstormdamage.
  • Damage at San Marcos CISD: Bonham Elementary – Sustained water damage to three-fourths of the building.  School was canceled for Wednesday and Thursday, and clean-up efforts are in progress; Bowie Elementary –  Sustained water damage in four classrooms.  Clean-up efforts are in progress
  • There were Fourteen public computers damaged by water and falling ceiling tiles at the San Marcos Public Library
  • There were 40 water rescues by SMPD heavy vehicles
  • There were 1,312 power outages; crews worked until 3 a.m. Wednesday morning making the necessary repairs and restoring power to neighborhoods.
  • There were ten areas throughout the city required heavy equipment for debris removal.
  • There were 25 calls for barricades at low water crossings.

City staff members are assessing damage to the San Marcos Public Library, and emergency repairs are underway.

River parks are open and undamaged, but park users are urged to use caution when entering the San Marcos River. Park users are also asked to use caution in the city’s natural areas as erosion, and fallen trees may have affected trails. Parks staff is assessing the trail system.

Users of City Park are asked to stay away from construction areas and use caution around other muddy areas in the park.

Residents should sign up for emergency alerts at www.sanmarcostx.gov/alerts.


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