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15 Tips For Watching Birds At Night

By Daisy Ridley

We see birds chuntering all day long and go home at nightfall. Most bird lovers do birding from dawn to dusk. But watching birds at night recompense with a different experience than contemplating at day. At night we cannot see anything; we have to perceive by looking and listening, so it strengthens bird sense.

Alongside, some birds are more beautiful to look at night than day. We have come up with 15 tips for watching bird at night even if you are new to acquaintance with this.

1. Plan your area

Before achieving the splendor experience, you have to pick up a perfect bird ground in your city. It can be a park or any part of any forest. But make sure you know the place very well. Birding in a comprehensive place is an area can draw you away from the ultimate gratification. You can take help from Google or any bird watcher ally.

2. Map the place in your mind

The stipulated location may be known or unknown to you. So, to avoid any lamentable occurrence you have to assimilate the place very well. As it would transpire at night, unknown place may ruin the night. So, to enjoy the experience, master the area in your mind.

3. Harmonize the place and target

After rekeying the area, you have to understand the type of birds you are going to meet here. You have to understand their nature so you can behave like them to enjoy the night. Accumulate information about birds from local people and then find their nature.

4. Take a binocular with you

You are required to retain a binocular with night vision for watching as it is the most wield equipment for watching. Make sure it has enough magnification and a wide lens to capture more. Besides, comfortable strap and waterproof construction is preferable.

5. Assemble all gadgetry during the day

Another most important thing is to prepare the day for the greatest of the night. Sleep well during the day. Prepare and check all equipment to ease the journey. Before that take notes which things you are going to take with you. Do not take any extra baggage that hassles a lot. Besides binocular, you might need flashlights with extra battery and insect repellant. Also must watch the weather on that day. Clam night is great for birding.

6. Dress perfectly

It is a major thing to dress concerning the weather. These clothes need to be loose and breathable. Try to wear waterproof if the weather is rainy. The cloths should have cloak colors to avoid being easily busted by the birds. Try to abstain from fancy dress.

7. Keep awake every second

You have to be still with your equipment all the time. Do not lose a single electrifying scene wasting your time using a mobile phone or gossiping your friend. Some nocturnal birds including hawks, frogmouths, and nightjars have several times better night vision than you. So, be quiet if you do not want to scare them away.

8. Uses of flash or torch light

Must take a flashlight, torch or other tools with you for your safety but be aware of using these. Do not light on the trees to find the bird. Misusing light may turn birds go deeper in case they consider you a thread.

9. Not to be hungry

Bring some dry food with you as you do not know how long you need to stay there for your victorious outcome. Choose food according to your choice but make sure that contains a larger amount of calories. And obviously, do not forget to bring water.

10. Try to predict their sound

You have to assimilate about the nature of the birds in your place. It is obvious that it won’t be possible to see all species in your selected ground. So, inquire properly about the types of birds that you are likely to see and ready for those.

11. Do not make noise

You have to be patient to watch birds at night. You should know that your target birds are adapted to hearing clearly at night. Avoid laughing loudly or calling your friends in excitement. Your phones and any other gadgets should also be muted. On the same note, most nocturnal birds have superb camouflage.

12. How to identify nocturnal birds

Birding at night takes special dedication and is a rewarding way to see nocturnal birds, but what birds should you be looking for after dark? The most popular nighttime bird is an owl, but you know there are actually many more nocturnal species to watch for than birders may realize.

13. Not to disturb them

Be careful about you don’t become menacing to them. All the time you have to stay quite. Be cautious while using a torch or flashlights. To achieve a fruitful conclusion, you have to be aware of everything.

14. Save yourself from attack

Preliminary to taking a risk to be aware of your safety. Let not get pounce by snake or insects. Must use mosquito repellent cream to save yourself from dengue or malaria. If you are on lakeside be aware of alligators.

15. Capturing the moment

You may want to capture the breathtaking moments. So, bring a high range camera with wide range compatibility. Make sure all your devices are fully charged. Keep extra batteries if you need.

If you are a canon lover, then you should note that EOS-1DX Mark II is one of the fastest DSLR cameras available and therefore an excellent choice as the best camera for bird photography. A full frame CMOS sensor is equipped for high-speed features 20.2 megapixels.

Birding at night is more amusing if you go alone to accomplish the gladden night as it is a devotion. But, sometimes sharing this joy with your group is more delightful. Make sure you are along with professional birder in that case. That would be an extra advantage. 





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