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4th Annual Easter Impact hopes to raise up to $60,000 to fight hunger in Hays County

Local Churches Partner to take a huge bite out of hunger

Staff Reports

HAYS COUNTY — A shocking 1 in 8 Central Texans (pre-pandemic statistic from Feeding America), struggles to put healthy meals on the table. This Easter, Hays County churches hope to match up to $30,000 to help Hays County Food Bank fight hunger locally.

The community is encouraged to donate to the annual Easter Impact fund to potentially reach $60,000. All donations will be used to help the food bank provide nutritious groceries to households in need.

Why is there such a need in our community? Many families who struggle don’t earn enough for rent, groceries, and other necessities, yet they earn too much to receive federal assistance from programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

Letty, a mom of four with a full-time job struggles to put meals on the table.

“No one can live off that income [what will qualify you for SNAP benefits],” said Letty. “I can’t get SNAP, but I do get Medicaid for my kids which is really nice because I could not afford [insurance] from my employer.”

Even with the help from Medicaid, Letty and her family still rely on assistance from organizations like the food bank to get by.

Many families are forced to choose between healthcare, groceries, and other needs. Even with full-time jobs, families are struggling to make ends meet. Parents with full-time jobs have to come up with the cost of child-care in addition to the other bills. Commuters have to deal with the rising cost of gas. What happens if your vehicle breaks down and you are living paycheck to paycheck? What happens if you fall ill and can’t work?

While the food bank is unable to help in every aspect, they can help alleviate hunger. Struggling families can at least have access to healthy food, saving money for things like rent, electricity, healthcare, and other important bills. Community support for local nonprofits like Hays County Food Bank can help this community thrive.

If you’d like to donate and have your gift doubled, visit haysfoodbank.org/donate. Make sure to choose Easter Impact under Donor Intent for your donation to be included in this matching opportunity. 

Easter Impact is led by the First Presbyterian Church and the First Baptist Church of San Marcos. Any church that wishes to be a part of the match should reach out to Rev. Joshua Sutherlun at Joshua@fpcsanmarcos.org.

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