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Hays County Ends Private Property Debris Removal Program April 22

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Property owners whose property was damaged by the Memorial Weekend 2015 floods and storms in Hays County have until 5 p.m. Friday, April 22, to apply to have qualifying flood and storm debris removed from their properties at no cost, under a Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR) program conducted by Hays County with oversight from FEMA.



“We feel at this time that most of the qualifying property owners who need to have debris removed have contacted us and made arrangements,” said Hays County General Counsel Mark Kennedy. “We will take applications until April 22 to give those who haven’t contacted us one last opportunity to do so.” The program is open to property owners in the unincorporated areas of Hays County and those within the incorporated limits of the City of Wimberley who still have debris piles from the storms and floods on their improved properties.



Anyone wishing to apply should visit www.co.hays.tx.us and click on the PPDR icon on the home page for instructions and forms. Questions should be addressed to the Hays County Development Services Office, 512-393-2150.

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