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COVID-19 vaccine demand drops in Texas, though less than a quarter of population is fully vaccinated

Local health officials reported shorter lines and less demand at vaccination sites and warned that there's still much work to be done to make Texans safe from the virus.

By Marissa MartinezJuan Pablo Garnham and Mandi Cai

COVID-19 vaccine doses reported each day

The state has administered 17.3 million doses as of April 24. The number of doses reported each day may include doses from previous days.


Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: Carla Astudillo, Mandi Cai, Darla Cameron, Chris Essig, Anna Novak


Percent fully vaccinated by county

The percentage of residents fully vaccinated by county shows which areas have higher rates of immunization compared to the statewide rate.

Sources: Texas Department of State Health Services and U.S. Census Bureau population estimates
Credit: Carla Astudillo, Mandi Cai, Darla Cameron, Chris Essig, Anna Novak


But the Johnson & Johnson pause also has made it more difficult to convince some people to get vaccinated at all. Marisa Gonzales, community outreach program manager for Dallas County Health and Human Services, organizes vaccination registration events and said that while her events had plenty of action before, only a handful of people signed up at her location in West Dallas on Thursday.

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