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San Marcos ranked as the most affordable in metro area report

Crystal Chen

The Zumper Austin Metro Area Report analyzed active listings in April 2021 across 6 metro cities to show the most and least expensive cities and cities with the fastest growing rents.

The Texas one bedroom median rent was $966 last month.


The Most Expensive

Austin was the most expensive city with one bedrooms priced at $1,180.

Cedar Park ranked as the second priciest with rent at $1,130.

Round Rock followed closely behind as third with rent at $1,100.


The Least Expensive

San Marcos ranked as the most affordable city with one bedrooms priced at $900.
Pflugerville was second with rent at $1,0670.
Georgetown saw rent grow 1.9% to $1,080 and rank as third.



The Fastest Growing (Y/Y%)

Round Rock had the fastest growing rent, up 6.8% since this time last year.

The Fastest Growing (M/M%)

Round Rock also had the largest monthly rental growth rate, up 3.8%.



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