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UPDATED: Kyle Police Department investigating attempted child abduction

Sierra Martin| Managing Editor

KYLE, TEXAS – On Friday, Oct. 8 at approximately 9:30 a.m. the Kyle Police Department received a report of a child safety incident that occurred at approximately 6:45 a.m. in the area of Arbor Knot Drive.

It was reported that a male subject, driving a black truck approached an 11-year-old child while walking to her bus stop. The child was able to get away. At this time, there is no additional description of the male or of the truck that he was driving. The Kyle Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division is working closely with Hays Consolidated Independent School District officials during this investigation.

Tim Savoy, Chief Communication Officer for Hays Consolidated Independent School District, sent the following letter to parents regarding the incident.

I need to make you aware of an incident that was reported today to the Kyle Police Department. A student from Wallace Middle School reported that she was approached by a stranger while walking to her bus stop. Law enforcement officers are investigating the specific details of what may have happened and the district is assisting them in their efforts. Hays CISD and law enforcement agencies, including the Kyle Police Department, have very close and cooperative relationships in the service of protecting students.

As law enforcement investigators work to resolve this case, it is a good opportunity to speak with your children about safety. There is a lot of information, including videos, tip sheets, scenarios, and even activities for students available through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. We are happy to share the link to their “Kid Smartz” program:


The most important tip is for students to report behavior they know to be out-of-the-ordinary, or blatantly wrong, to a trusted adult – a parent, teacher, school employee, bus driver, or law enforcement officer. The student in this case reported the information to an adult who was able to contact the Kyle Police Department.

We know receiving information like this can be very unsettling for parents. Know, however, that we live in a community that cares for one another and places the highest importance on safety. Every school day, there is an army of law enforcement officers, bus drivers, parents, and others who are out and about on phones and radios, working to keep our students safe on their way to and from school.

Police are asking residents that may have any information to please contact the Kyle Police Department at 512-268-3232 or, to remain anonymous, submit the information online at www.p3tips.com.

This investigation is ongoing. The Kyle Police Department is not available for interviews at this time.

This article has been updated to include the public statement from HCISD.

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