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Living Outside The Lines: “Woman Versus Wave”

“In the summer months, enjoy extremely calm conditions and explore the canal systems or jetties extending into the Gulf of Mexico.” Extremely calm conditions??  According to whom?? 

by, Becky j Miller

The history of SUP or stand up paddling is a bit murky.  An article in Stand Up Paddling World Magazine extends credit for the discovery from Hawaii to Tel Aviv to the UK. 

No matter the origins, all across the U.S. and into Europe and Australia, stand up boards have become a popular replacement for canoes and kayaks. 

Stand up paddling is a great form of exercise, particularly for the core.  It can be done on any body of water, unlike surfing that is limited to the ocean.  Not surprisingly, by 2009 it was the single fastest growing part of paddle sports in North America. 

A quick Google search for paddle board rentals in Austin brings up three choices; EpicSUP & Kayak, SUP ATX and Austin Paddle Sports SUP Rentals.  The same search in Corpus Christi also nets three options; Wind and Water Wave Sports, Port A H2O SUP & Kayak Rentals and Island Surf Rentals.  And for me, this is where things get interesting.

My first experience stand up paddle boarding was at Towne Lake in Austin.  For anyone unfamiliar with the different bodies of water, a lake is a large body of water generally surrounded by land. 

Many lakes are man made.  While a fast moving vessel may form a wake i.e., small waves, naturally occurring swells do not occur on lakes unless there is a storm. In which case one would be foolish to remain on or in said lake. 

However, other bodies of water such as oceans have constant waves ranging on average from two to six feet tall.  Navigating a paddle board on a smooth lake versus a choppy ocean definitely creates a bit of a challenge. Which is why I found this advertisement on one rental website quite intriguing, “In the summer months, enjoy extremely calm conditions and explore the canal systems or jetties extending into the Gulf of Mexico.”

Extremely calm conditions??  According to whom??  I went paddle boarding in the Gulf just last week and trust me, there was absolutely nothing calm about the conditions!!  I like to think of myself as athletic, strong and determined, but I was no match for those waves. 

I knew balancing on a board in the ocean would certainly present more of a challenge than it had on a lake, but I had absolutely no idea how much more.  Both the undertow and the waves were forceful that day. I hate admitting defeat, but in the contest of Woman Versus Wave, though I put up a valiant fight, I did not come away the winner.

It all started with the life jacket.  My friend thoughtfully borrowed a second life vest for me to use.  My initial response was, “I’m a strong swimmer, I don’t need a life jacket.”  However, though she spoke not a word, I knew my friend’s preference was for me to wear the jacket.  The board belonged to her, and she’d invited me to her vacation spot to play, so I respectfully donned the jacket.  Boy, oh boy, am I thankful I did.

Ocean paddling differs from lake paddling since instead of kneeling, the rider launches in a completely prone position.  This difference in start form means rising to a standing position, and takes even more grace and finesse.  Since grace and Becky are not synonyms, try as I might, I was never able to stand fully erect on the board.

My first efforts were more about getting back onto the board every time a wave tossed me off, and trust me, it’s harder than it seems.  I did manage to kneel for a few minutes, but mostly I did a lot of underwater flips.  Dragging a 25 pound board and paddle while simultaneously being hammered by waves and heaved by the current is one heck of a cardio workout.  I admit, I found myself gasping for breath and I’m a distance runner y’all!! 

Having rested long enough to allow my breathing to return to normal, I set out once again.  This time I proudly spent more time paddling on my knees that I did being dumped into the Gulf, but still I could not stand.  I honestly felt as if I was providing free entertainment for everyone on the shore.  My friend assured me that although I may have felt ridiculous, I actually looked confident & sure.  I think she was just being nice. 

I’d hoped for round three, but could not summons the energy for any more combat that day.  Instead we played free style in the water for a bit, showered away most of the hitchhiking sand and went to eat Mexican food!!  

The waves may have won the initial battle, but I’ll be back to fight again!!

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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