Completed Building Search Yields No Additional Victims Of Iconic Village Apartments Fire
This completes the search and recovery efforts at the site but the active investigation will continue. So far, no origin or possible cause of the fire has been identified, and officials say the investigation could take months.
Search and recovery teams along with trained canines completed the search of the remaining buildings at Iconic Village and Vintage Pads Apartments today and found no additional victims.
Five bodies were recovered from the scene of last week’s deadly apartment fire, and have been transported to the Travis County Medical Examiner’s office for identification. Positive identification could take more than a week.
This completes the search and recovery efforts at the site but the active investigation will continue. So far, no origin or possible cause of the fire has been identified, and officials say the investigation could take months.
Five residents of the apartments remain missing:
- James Miranda
- Haley Frizzell
- Belinda Moats
- David Ortiz
- Dru Estes
Resource Center Open Again Wednesday
The City is hosting a Resource Center for all residents of the Iconic Village apartments, as well as residents of Buildings L & M at Vintage Pads apartments today July 24 until 7 p.m. and on Wednesday, July 25 from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the San Marcos Activity Center. Organizations are on site to answer questions and provide information on assistance programs. So far, more than 60 residents affected by the fire have visited the Center and have been provided relief and assistance. No media will be allowed access to the Resource Center.
Resources Available include:
- The Red Cross: Processing claims for possible assistance
- Austin Disaster Relief Network: Gift Card Assistance
- Texas State University Dean of Students Office: Assisting with Off-Campus Living
- City of San Marcos Electric Utilities Division: Assisting with Utilities
- San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter: Assistance with pet food, supplies and information pertaining to missing pets
- Blanco River Regional Recovery Team-BR3T: Gift Cards Available
- Salvation Army USA: Gift Cards Available and providing a free lunch
- Chaplains will be on hand for spiritual support
- Texas State Counseling Center
- Hill Country MHDD Centers
- Central Texas Food Bank: Toiletry and dry goods boxes
- Texas DPS: Replacing lost drivers licenses
- The Bike Cave: Assisting with bike replacement
The City is not accepting material donations, such as clothing and home goods, but these can be donated at the San Marcos Donation Center, 420 S Mitchell St, First Baptist Church NBC. Monetary donations can be made to the Blanco River Regional Recovery Team at www.br3t.org, clicking the “Donate” button and entering the word “Iconic” in the comment box. More information is available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/apartmentfire.
The San Marcos Fire Marshal’s Office, in conjunction with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms National Response Team, and the State Fire Marshal’s office, will continue investigation operations at the scene throughout the week. Once the scene has been processed and cleanup efforts begin, the investigation could continue for months.