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Best Cities To Sell Real Estate

“Real estate agents are fond of saying “location, location, location” when it comes to marketing property for sale. Apparently that’s also a factor in determining how successful agents are themselves. A survey done earlier this year by WalletHub listed the best American cities to be a real estate agent.” More from REC Senior Editor David Jones in this week’s Mixed-Use blog post.

By David Jones (Jul 7, 2016)

Real estate agents are fond of saying “location, location, location” when it comes to marketing property for sale. Apparently that’s also a factor in determining how successful agents are themselves.

survey done earlier this year by WalletHub listed the best American cities to be a real estate agent. Austin was ranked No. 4. Also among the top 50 cities, Lubbock was 16th, Houston 39th, and Irving 45th.


Other Texas cities ranked in the top 100 included Plano (56), Corpus Christi (59), San Antonio (63), Laredo (66), Amarillo (71), Dallas (75), Fort Worth (94), and Garland (99). The bottom 50 included Grand Prairie (101), Arlington (104,) El Paso (135), and Brownsville (146).


WalletHub looked at 13 key metrics to determine the rankings. Among them were sales per agent, agent income, and health of the local housing market.


Corpus Christi ranked 5th in the highest employment attractiveness category. Houston was 98th for fewest sales (six) per agent. Plano was the second ranked U.S. city for highest housing market health.


When the Texas economy takes a nose dive as it has recently, the number of Texans wanting to become a real estate agent goes up. According to the Texas Real Estate Commission, there were 165,701 brokers and sales agents in April. That’s up more than 7,000 in the last year.


Real Estate Payday,” an article by Dr. Ali Anari in the July issue of Tierra Grande magazine gives some idea of what sales agents in different states earn. It shows Texas with the second largest number of sales agents. Only Florida has more.


The average annual compensation of $68,410 for the state’s sales agents is higher than the national average ($58,410).


The Houston metro area has the most sales agents after New York and Atlanta. Houston ranks third in annual agent compensation at $67,200. Dallas-Plano-Irving ($64,560) is the only other Texas metro in the top ten high-real-estate-employment areas.




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