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BREAKING: Stewart Thomas Mettz Indicted For Capital Murder For Shooting Death Of Officer Ken Copeland

A Hays County grand jury today issued an indictment against Stewart Mettz, accusing him of causing the death of San Marcos Police Officer Ken Copeland on December 4, 2017, while Officer Copeland was attempting to serve an arrest warrant.

The capital murder indictment alleges that:

On or about the 4th day of December 2017, in Hays County, Texas, the Defendant, Stewart Thomas Mettz, did then and there intentionally or knowingly cause the death of an individual, namely, Kenneth Copeland, by shooting Kenneth Copeland with a firearm, and the said Kenneth Copeland was then and there a peace officer who was acting in the lawful discharge of official duty, to-wit: attempting to serve an arrest warrant, and the defendant knew Kenneth Copeland was a peace officer.

Capital murder is punishable by death or life in prison without the possibility of parole.  The indictment has been delivered to the Hays County District Clerk.

The Hays County District Attorney’s Office’s policy is not to comment on pending cases. No further details regarding the case will be provided that have not already been publicly reported.

In addition to the capital murder indictment, the grand jury also returned an indictment for Injury to an Elderly Person and Retaliation, allegedly committed on or about November 25, 2017.  The second indictment corresponds with the allegations in the warrants for Mettz that were outstanding on the date of Officer Copeland’s capital murder.

Hays County Criminal District Attorney Wes Mau said, “The indictment is just the first step in this process.  While we at the DA’s office have every intention of seeing that justice is done for Ken Copeland, his family and friends, and the law enforcement community here in San Marcos and Hays County, there remains a long way to go.  To say any more than that at this time would be inappropriate.”

According to the District Attorney Wes Mau, “There will be no further comment on this pending case.”

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  1. Breaking News??? Wow, just how long can a guy be held? That’s suppose to be presumed innocent and all that. This is incredible

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