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Real Estate

Mortgage Matters: Where Is The Mortgage Industry Headed In 2018?

Mortgage Matters: Where Is The Mortgage Industry Headed In 2018?

The Outlook also anticipates that the Fed will continue raising rates in order to combat inflation. Under these conditions, Freddie…
CBRE Buys Peloton Commercial Real Estate’s San Antonio Operations

CBRE Buys Peloton Commercial Real Estate’s San Antonio Operations

The acquisition makes CBRE the leading provider of commercial property leasing, sales and management services in the growing San Antonio…
Homeownership Remains Below 2006 Levels For All Age Groups Even In Texas

Homeownership Remains Below 2006 Levels For All Age Groups Even In Texas

Homeownership rates for all age groups were lower in 2017 than in 2006, the year before the Great Recession… By…
City Of San Marcos Accepting Fourth Round Applications Of Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance

City Of San Marcos Accepting Fourth Round Applications Of Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance

The City of San Marcos is accepting applications for a fourth round of disaster recovery housing assistance to people who…
Mortgage Matters: Mortgage Interest Rates Migrate Upward While Weekly Mortgage Applications Fall

Mortgage Matters: Mortgage Interest Rates Migrate Upward While Weekly Mortgage Applications Fall

The highest interest rates in about a month and high home prices took their toll on the mortgage business last…
Austin Officials Backing Away From Controversial Rewrite Of Land-Use Regulations

Austin Officials Backing Away From Controversial Rewrite Of Land-Use Regulations

Amid a fierce battle over the city's attempts to improve traffic and combat housing unaffordability, Austin leaders are looking to…
Tracking Tax Assessment Trends In Multifamily Properties Across Texas

Tracking Tax Assessment Trends In Multifamily Properties Across Texas

The assessment value to sales price ratio is the basis for CBRE’s analysis of appraisal trends by Texas metro market.…
Want To Save On Taxes? Check Out Opportunity Zone Investments!

Want To Save On Taxes? Check Out Opportunity Zone Investments!

This new program allows investors to avoid capital gains tax by socking away profits by investing opportunity funds in designated…
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