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Hays County Begins Countdown To Holiday Lighting Ceremony, Day Of Fun

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Hays County is counting down to the official Courthouse Lighting Ceremony on Saturday, November 30, that will be the biggest and most fun-filled countywide celebration yet.

After a day of shopping, dining, and strolling through downtown San Marcos during Shop Small Saturday, visitors can enjoy entertainment on the Courthouse grounds beginning at 5:30 PM with County Judge Ruben Becerra emceeing the lighting ceremony that begins at 6 PM.

The Courthouse will light up at 6:15 PM, and Santa Clause will arrive soon after to hear all the children’s wishes while parents snap photos.

Brown Santa – the Hays County Sheriff’s Office annual gift and food drive for those less fortunate – is encouraging visitors to “Fill the Sleigh” on the Courthouse grounds by bringing an unwrapped gift for a child who might not otherwise have a present. Brown Santa will also accept monetary donations as well as credit/debit cards.

Let’s tell our deployed military personnel that we’re thinking of them during the holidays. There will be a station set up to sign a holiday card (or bring one of your own) and we’ll make sure our deployed neighbors get a holiday greeting from someone who appreciates their service.

In addition to light refreshments courtesy of local providers, the VFW and VFW Auxiliary will host a hot chocolate booth where visitors can embrace the holiday spirit by purchasing a cup.

Hays County, Downtown San Marcos, and the City of San Marcos are joining forces this year for an entire day of holiday fun. Visit the Holiday Lighting Countdown Facebook page to keep up with the day’s planned activities as November 30 draws near. 


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