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Living Outside The Lines: “All About Kendra Scott”

Literally, in two years, I’ve gone from zero pairs of Kendra Scott earrings to seventeen pairs plus one necklace.  Now, don’t you judge me!!

by, Becky j Miller

She opened her first jewelry store in Austin, Texas in 2010, but unfortunately, I did not make her acquaintance until almost seven years later. 

It wasn’t until 2015 when my daughter came back from a shopping trip in Austin with a gorgeous and unique pair of earrings from a designer she referred to as Kendra Scott that I became instantly addicted. 


Literally, in two years, I’ve gone from zero pairs of Kendra Scott earrings to seventeen pairs plus one necklace.  Now, don’t you judge me!! Some of them were gifts, some of them were freebies, part of a buy one get one promotion, some were purchased half price during my birth month, and others were bought with slush money earned doing wine tastings.


But, we’re not here to talk about me, let’s get back to Kendra.  She’s not even from Texas y’all, but she was smart enough to move here, and in a few short years she’s amassed a multimillion-dollar company with 39 retail locations, nearly 1000 employees and $150 million in annual revenue!! 


Reading Kendra’s bio on success.com she says, “I wanted beautiful semiprecious stones. I love colored gemstones, and I couldn’t find any that I could afford. It was just out of my reach. I thought, Gosh, if there were a way that I could design a collection and use these beautiful natural stones, but do them at an attainable price point and also in unique shapes….” She goes on to say, “every jewelry designer was merely changing up the settings around the same stone shapes. She set to work on a collection of handcrafted, unique forms that would be immediately recognizable as her own.”


I’d say she succeeded. What I loved from the beginning was the uniqueness of her product.  Once you are familiar with Kendra’s designs, they are easy to spot.  Two P’s & Calli’s in San Marcos carries the line, and it is very popular with Texas State co-eds.  After six months in Beeville, I finally spotted a professor at the college wearing a matching Kendra Scott earring and necklace set. Because I recognized the jewelry immediately, it was easy to start a conversation with a relative stranger.


Eating at a restaurant with friends in Victoria, our waitress was sporting Kendra Scott earrings.  Me, a self-defined introvert, struck up a conversation with her and then proceeded to introduce my friend to the beauty of Kendra Scott.  Another of my close friends is a Kendra lover as well. She and I have had many conversations about KS earrings. I’m still trying to convince my Kate Spade and Michael Kors loving sister-in-law to come over to the dark side, because you know, addicts always want to drag everyone else down with them. 


Opals are one of my absolute favorite stones and Kendra’s line has them, in multiple colors; white, pink, coral, purple, aqua, blue & marine.  Every single one of them is breathtakingly gorgeous!!  She also carries Drusy stones in white, pink, black, rose gold, fuchsia, and multi.  I may or may not own a pair or two of both, and if you are getting the impression I like sparkle and glitter, I’d say, “Astute observation, Sherlock Holmes.”


While, you cannot find Kendra Scott in just any mall, she does have sixteen retail locations in Texas from the Woodlands, to Friendswood, Allen, Austin, Plano, Dallas, San Antonio and Houston.  Her jewelry is also available at high-end specialty stores and retailers like Nordstrom, Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus and even Amazon. 


Oh, and I almost forgot, Kendra introduces a new line every season, each line inspired by something different.  For example, her lush Fall line is inspired her visits to Florence, Italy.  Yet another thing to love about Kendra, she keeps it fresh!


So, Ms. Scott, my hat is off to you for your dedication to quality, beauty and innovation.  And P.S.  If you find yourself shopping for me, you can never go wrong with a gift from Kendra Scott.


Until Next Time,



Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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