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Living Outside The Lines: Dear John

If we’re honest, all of us have celebrity crushes. One of mine, yes one of several, is Channing Tatum. I liked him long before he was the wildly popular Channing of today…

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

Just when I thought there were no more dirty little secrets worth revealing, I’ve found another. If we’re honest, all of us have celebrity crushes. One of mine, yes one of several, is Channing Tatum. I liked him long before he was the wildly popular Channing of today.

My daughter owned the movie “She’s the Man” starring Amanda Bynes as a female who goes to a boarding school disguised as her brother so she can play soccer on the all-male team. We watched it a frequently, and since I’m a female with eyes, I could not help but notice the actor playing her cute roommate, who just so happened to be Channing Tatum.

Like any addict who doesn’t want to be alone in their addiction, it didn’t take long to find another female comrade sharing my appreciation for Mr. Tatum. Fortunately, I did not have to look further than my own flesh. My sister.

Many Februarys, for her birthday, I traveled to Dallas to take her to dinner and a movie. For several birthdays, Mr. Tatum did us the honor of releasing a new movie.

Like most of the breathing female population, I could hardly wait to see 2010’s Dear John, starring Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. I should probably qualify that statement. Having sobbed uncontrollably watching The Notebook, I decided that I am not a Nicholas Sparks fan. Could I sit through another of Nicholas’ books made into a movie? My distaste for the author however, was outweighed by my desire to see Channing Tatum’s starring role as John.

The movie started out normally and was enjoyable, almost to the end. The inevitable, “Dear John” letter was shocking, but the ensuing revelation about whom Savannah married was even more so. I was thunderstruck at her choice to dump John for Tim. Walking out of the theater all I could do was shake my head and say, “Tim!?! Really!?!”

Despite my disappointment, I left with a profound awareness of the depth and selflessness of John’s love for Savannah. The movie’s underlying theme of genuine love is astounding. If we could not only grasp the magnitude of what John did, but live our lives in a similar manner, we and everyone around us would be so much better for it.

When John returns from overseas for his father’s funeral he discovers not only whom Savannah married, but that her husband is dying of cancer. Savannah tells John about an experimental treatment that might prolong Tim’s life. Then, in the midst of his grief, John sells his recently deceased father’s precious coin collection and anonymously donates the money to fund Tim’s treatment. Incredible!

Many of us, in similar circumstances would lash out in anger but that is not how real love behaves. If we walk in love, no matter the circumstances, there is no room for selfishness. Love is not just some fluffy, feel good emotion. Walking in love requires us to make the hard choices, walk the less travelled path, and sometimes even love through our own crippling pain.

Despite my dislike for Mr. Sparks’ less than happy endings, I think perhaps he may have discovered a secret to real love that I’ve yet to embrace.

Until Next Time,
Becky J. Miller
“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.


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