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Living Outside The Lines: First World Problems

Training ended Thursday so Friday and Monday I was appropriately dressed for the hot temperatures, well not exactly appropriately as Daisy Dukes and bikini tops don’t fall within the professional dress code guidelines.

By, Becky J Miller

Air conditioning, hot water, paved roads, clean water, modern sewage systems, and access to healthcare, these are all things we often take for granted in our first world lives. In comparison to other countries, the problems we may experience seem a relatively trivial or minor problem or frustration when evaluated against serious problems that are experienced in the developing world.

Occasionally I feel guilty complaining about my first world problems, but then I stop and consider the fact that since God saw fit to orchestrate my existence in a first world country, I’ve nothing in which to feel ashamed. So here I go on my first world rant, get ready!

Texas is hot pretty much ten months out of the year! Seriously, temperatures in March may reach the 90’s some days, particularly in South Texas, which is about 50 miles from the coast. Fortunately, most Texans have central air, so we combat the heat index with the flip of a dial. But…. what happens in May when the air conditioner dies? Lots of unhappy folks, that’s what!

Imagine arriving at work Monday morning, realizing the indoor temps are a bit warmer than they ought to be, then receiving an email stating a transformer is out so employees get the distinct pleasure of sweating all day! Not exactly the circumstances in which I’d intended to spend my day. I’m a mature adult though who can handle any hardship, at least temporarily.

Tuesday morning the super exciting news arrives, no air conditioning, all. week. #LordHelpUs. In preparation for the possibility of no air, I’d dressed accordingly in light- weight capris, a sleeveless shirt and hair in a ponytail. Well, guess what?!?! The air is only out in the older buildings, so the training I’m scheduled for moves to a different building, one with properly functioning air.

This should’ve been good news, except that we moved from Africa to Antarctica!! It was miserably cold in that room, so cold that we brought in three space heaters just to keep our lips from turning blue. No poetic license here, all seriousness, it was muy frio!

Day three, dressed for sub-freezing temperatures in the temporary training room, we instead move back to the original meeting room, without air. Here we go again. By day’s end, my brain was so fried I could barely think straight. I don’t mind sweating, if I’m in running shorts, a dri-fit tank, hair in a ponytail and Brooks shoes, but not when my hair is all “purty”, my makeup fixed and I’m wearing nice clothes.  #ICK

Care to guess what happens on day four? Give up? Once again, everything went wrong. I dressed for Africa and moved to Antarctica. I promise, nothing in this story is fabricated, all 100% truth! Fortunately, maintenance managed to bring the Artic temperatures up to a balmy 61 degrees, still too chilly for my tastes, but at least my breath was no longer freezing when I spoke.

Training ended Thursday so Friday and Monday I was appropriately dressed for the hot temperatures, well not exactly appropriately as Daisy Dukes and bikini tops don’t fall within the professional dress code guidelines. Finally, Tuesday arrived and with it, central air conditioning, the kind in a normal human range.

All week I kept thinking of how the lack of air conditioning was definitely a first world problem. I’ve been to developing countries; Haiti, Africa, Guatemala, and most places in those countries do not have air, but it’s expected, and somehow easier to deal with, and accept.

Mr. Willis Carrier, thank you so much for inventing air conditioning, it’s too bad your invention has spoiled us Americans and created #FirstWorldProblems.  We totally forgive you though!

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller ~ Warrior Princess

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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