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Living Outside the Lines: ‘Slow Fade’

by, Becky J Miller


Ever had one of those moments when you suddenly stop what you are doing, look around, and declare, “Oh my gosh, how did I end up here?” If our actions are not intentional and purposeful, it’s quite easy to get sucked into situations in which we never intended to participate, or to end up in places we had no desire to go.


As a little girl in Sunday school I remember singing a song with these words, “Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little eyes what you see.” As the song progresses, the verses change to be careful little ears what you hear, little hands what you do, little feet where you go and little mouth what you say. That’s a lot of power packed into a simple children’s song.


The group Casting Crowns took the premise behind the children’s song and developed it into, “Slow Fade” from their 2007 album, “The Altar and the Door.” The song is featured in the movie, “Fireproof” starring Kirk Cameron.



“Fireproof” tells the story of a married man tempted to cheat on his wife, it shows how a behavior that begins so innocently can progress into something catastrophic. A verse in the song says it this way:


“It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away,

It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray

Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid

When you give yourself away,

People never crumble in a day,

It’s a slow fade, It’s a slow fade”


Although the song and movie both focus on adultery, in reality, the path to any undesirable, unethical or immoral behavior is a slow fade. Most criminals start small; the bank robber of today, probably started off stealing money from people’s wallets. The first time he acted was the hardest, but he got away with it so he decided to try again. As stealing gets easier, he graduates from stealing wallets, to walking off with cash boxes at fund-raising events, to holding up a convenience store, until eventually he’s sitting in a cell block wondering how it all happened.


Another verse says:

“The journey from your mind to your hands

Is shorter than you’re thinking

Be careful if you think you stand

You just might be sinking”


No area of our lives is immune to the slow fade. Unhappiness in a career or job may lead to chronic tardiness, poor work performance, uncaring attitude, and ultimately unemployment. A painful injury can lead to dependence on painkillers, lying to medical providers to get more and stronger prescriptions, and ultimately full-blown drug addiction. That second glass of wine after a hard workday could lead to shooting straight whiskey, which could lead to drinking at work and ultimately alcoholism.


Certainly, I am not saying these destinations are guaranteed, but they are possible. No one crumbles in a day, or a week or even a month, it is a slow and gradual process, one that does not have to happen.


It may be a children’s song, but the admonishment to be careful little eyes what you see, little ears what you hear, little hands what you do, little feet where you go and little mouth what you say, are words to live by, no matter how old we are!


Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

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