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Local Artist To Host Poetry Event Celebrating Cultures, Languages From Around The World

Staff Reports

Tonight, a local artist will host an international poetry event at the San Marcos Public Library from 7 PM to 8 PM.

Debangana Banerjee has invited local bilingual readers to participate in an event in celebration of National Poetry Month 2019. Members of the community are invited to hear residents share poetry in a multitude of languages as well as English.

The event has sixteen participants who will read poetry of their own or a favorite poem from their culture of origin and a language with which they have a connection along. 

Participants will read poetry in Arabic, Bengali, Chamorro, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Luo, Mandarin, Panjabi, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili and Spanish as well as their English translations.

“I am trying my best to raise the voice of international poetry in our lovely small town,” Banerjee said. “This will be a wonderful opportunity for the town to experience the richness of other countries’ literature and, feel the culture and listen to the sound of many languages.”

The event is the first of its kind to take place in San Marcos and is open and free to the public.


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