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Merry Christmas From Our Family To Yours

It’s hard to believe Christmas is here again. The year has gone so fast, and what a year it’s been for Corridor News.

It’s hard to believe Christmas is here again. The year has gone so fast, and what a year it’s been for Corridor News.

In April, we hired our business development manager, Kyra Klingele, and we are so grateful to have her. Her outgoing and cheerful personality brings light to not only our team but to the business community as a whole.

Since joining us, she has become an ambassador with the Chamber of Commerce. We don’t know what we’d do without her.

In September, we helped our advertiser, La Cima, host their business after hours and ribbon cutting ceremony, which marked the opening of their first two model homes.

Running the newspaper and planning the event was definitely a challenge, but we managed it (somehow).  What mattered was everyone had a good time.

We want to thank La Cima, CTMC, JCO Pool Service and all of our advertisers for a great year at Corridor News. It’s hard to believe 2018 is over.

And last but not least, we want to thank all of our readers; we are grateful to every single person who reads us! We wouldn’t be here without you.

Over the last year, our readership has almost doubled. We will be five years old in 2019. Aside from its own birthday, Corridor News’ business development manager will celebrate her first anniversary working with Corridor, and our managing editor will celebrate her third anniversary in 2019.

We are so very blessed! Thank you!

So, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Warm Wishes from our family to yours!

From The Corridor News Family


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